Gym Class is Vital For Educating High School Students

The way that we teach and students and structure our schooling is always evolving. As society tends to grow and develop, what it places value in also changes, and whereas a generation ago one particular subject or pursuit might have seemed totally vital and important, and another might have seemed superfluous, today their positions might be reversed, and what was once an important part of helping young people to grow and mature is now an undervalued and ignored piece of the puzzle. A very appropriate example of this phenomenon is high school gym class.

People are very competitive by nature. We strive to do our best in our endeavors, and very often that means, by default, that we try to do better than our neighbors are able to do. In education, that translates these days into trying to develop newer and better technology and more sophisticated tools and devices all the time. Also, because we try our best, whether we take the time to think about it or not, to find the most obvious connections between things, we tend to think that creating new technology means taking more classes related to science and electronics. In other words, we assume that the best way to make progress in the area of technology is to spend time focusing on technology.

That sort of thinking is a big mistake, and it is this sort of problem that leads to the under-appreciation of things like physical education. Although there may not be any obvious connection between technological progress and gym class, there is an inestimable value to regular physical exercise that is often overlooked in the academic world. Although it is obvious that a student who wants to hone his abilities in the realm of developing and using various electronic devices in a number of different pursuits must have training in those areas, it is less obvious that he must be in a healthy mental and physical state to make the most of those skills.

People who grow up active and physically fit are frequently more mentally and emotionally fit as well. Getting fresh air on a regular basis, as well as engaging in vigorous exercise to stimulate blood flow and circulation, are vital activities for eliminating toxins from the body, which allows for a better mood and greater mental clarity. The benefits of this kind of situation are obvious. Anyone engaging in any type of pursuit is going to be able to do his or her job more effectively in a cleaner, more alert condition.

Although it is true that too much focus exclusively on physical exercise can be a problem. just like focusing too much on any one thing can be a problem, making sure to incorporate enjoyable exercise on a regular basis will improve anyone\’s lifestyle and performance. Students do not need to rise to the level of professional athlete in order see benefits; simply taking part in rigorous competitive activity can do wonders for anyone. For all of these reasons, it is one hundred percent vital that we not forget the value of gym class in the high school curriculum.

Author Bio: Diana Washington is a writer for Testing Is Easy. She writes on many topics related to education, with a special focus on teaching, standardized testing, and ISEE Test Prep, a growing concern for parents of children trying to get into private schools.

Category: Education
Keywords: gym class,physical exercise,high school,education,learning,schools

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