How to Tell a Heart Attack From Other Chest Pain Problems

A heart attack is associated with chest pain; however, not all chest pain is heart pain. Chest pains can be associated with many other problems as well. If you know the differences in the types of chest pain, you will be better prepared should you come across a situation that involves chest pain. Keep in mind that all chest pain is to be taken very seriously, no matter its cause.

Heart Disease

Chest pains, sharp and stabbing, can be caused by Pericarditis, an infection of the heart\’s outer lining, or Endocarditis, an infection in the inner lining. Heart palpitations will cause left chest pain in short, jabbing bursts. Angina warns us the oxygen is not getting to the heart in sufficient amounts. This kind of pain is a tight, squeezing pain, like a wet sack of cement is draped across your chest, and you cannot breathe. Angina pain, whether mild or severe means that the heart is in serious trouble. Seek medical attention immediately.


Infection, bruises, sprains, sprains, inflammation, and broken ribs all will cause pain in the skin, muscles, ribs, rib cartilage, and ligaments. Chest wall pains such as these are usually sharp, sometimes stinging pain, like a knife. It will often come and go, sometimes lasting for days at a time. Taking a deep breath or coughing is often enough to bring it on or worsen.


Another chest pain, which has nothing to do with the heart, is the pain of anxiety. Anxiety pain can be sharp or dull but is almost always located in the upper left side of the chest. It is often accompanied by the pain of hyperventilation. Chest pain can also originate from the lungs. Diseases like pneumonia, blood clots, and other diseases cause chest pain, as well as asthma.

Avoiding the Inevitable

As you can see, there are numerous reasons for chest pains from diseases to injuries. While not all of them can be prevented, many of them can be avoided and those of which we do fall prey may be improved as long as we take care of ourselves.

– We each have an ideal weight. Maintaining that weight helps to keep us healthy
– A well balanced diet filled with low fat, low-sodium foods will help
– Regular exercise keeps us fit and in shape
– Do not smoke. If you smoke, stop
– Visit your physician regularly for check-ups. Detect any problems early
– Follow your doctor\’s advice to the letter for any illnesses that you do have
– Control your stress and you control your destiny

Seek Help

It is often best, when we have chest pains or are with someone who is having chest pains that we treat them as though they are having a coronary event until we can prove otherwise. Chest pains are nothing to mess around with because it is a life that is at stake. If you are experiencing chest pains, get yourself to the nearest medical facility, even if it is one with which you are not familiar. Our personal information is protected by the HIPAA Security Rule so that you do not have to worry about that aspect of it. The important thing is to be treated. Have your chest pains looked after by a physician.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Compliance website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: HIPAA Security Rule,Injury,Respiratory,Heart Disease,Heart Attack ,Chest pain

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