How to Prevent Infection-Even If You Are in a High Risk Group

Any wound that is not cleaned properly can become infected. In fact, even wounds that are thoroughly cleaned can become infected but the danger of this occurring is much higher if the wound is not cleaned. If an infection sets into a wound, it will tale longer to heal and it is much more prone to leaving a scar. Serious complications can arise in a wound that becomes infected. If the infection gets into the bloodstream, even a minor wound can be lethal. Signs of infection in a wound can include the following.

– Red, inflamed skin around the wound with red streaks leading away from it
– Swelling on and around the wound
– Swelling of lymph nodes
– A fever of 101 degrees and higher-even a low grade fever can signal the onset of an infection
– A pus discharge from the wound
– You will be able to feel the heat in the skin around the wound

What You Must Do

There are things that you can do to minimize damage to infected areas. If you have a wound that becomes infected, you should:

– Unless it is severe enough to require bandaging, expose the wound to air for part of the day
– Change your bandaging at least once a day using sterile bandage. Change immediately if bandaging becomes wet
– Between bandages, soak the wound in warm water. Soaking the wound in clean, warm water several times a day will promote healing
– Apply Neosporin, bacitracin, or other antibiotic ointment to ward off infection and help the wound heal. If it is a deep wound or a puncture, do not apply directly to wound, smear antibiotic ointment on the inside of the bandages

Get It Right The First Time

If a wound becomes infected, it can lead to the need for emergency care; however, you can prevent infection if you take care of the wound right off the bat. All wounds should be treated immediately after they occur or as soon as possible. Try these options as soon as the wound occurs to ward off the threat of infection.

– Clean the wound thoroughly with warm, soapy water
– Sanitize tweezers in alcohol and pick out all foreign objects if any
– Antiseptics can damage skin. Avoid them at all costs
– It is important that you complete your primary tetanus series. If you have not done so and have not received a booster sot in the last five years, your doctor may suggest one.

Your Information Is Protected

Most infections will appear within 24 to 48 hours, although infection can occur at any time during the healing process. If you have a condition like diabetes or cancer, you will be much more prone to develop an infection. This means that you will have to be even more diligent in avoiding an infection. Higher risk does not necessarily mean you will develop an infection as long as you are careful and follow the guidelines set out above. If you have one of these or other conditions and see signs of infection, visit your doctor or local emergency room. No matter what your condition, the HIPAA Privacy Rule protects your information.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Privacy Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: doctor,emergency room,HIPAA Privacy ,antibiotic ointment ,bandaging,Serious complications

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