Dressing For an Interview – a Man’s Guide

It finally happened; you have an interview for the job of a lifetime. Naturally, you want to look your best, yet you want the interviewer to be focused on you, and not distracted by your attire. Dress in a conservative manner, because loud attire will only serve to draw the interviewer’s attention from you. Use traditional colors to augment your face, hair and skin tone.

Therefore, it is important not to wear mismatched colors, unusual patterns, or loud neckties. Still, in today’s casual world it is a difficult choice to know exactly what to wear to an interview. Do you dress casually, or wear a suit? When in doubt always go with the suit. This is because if the interviewer is dressed down in Dockers you are complimenting the interviewer by dressing up.

If the interview is at a corporate headquarters wear your best suit. Yet, if you are interviewing for a production management position and meeting the interviewer in the middle of an assembly line, perhaps dressing in a casual manner is the way to go. You do not want to look out of place; first impressions do count a lot.

Of course, sometimes we receive interviews through a recruiter. In this case simply ask the recruiter how to dress. If you received an interview through another employee you can ask them. If the answer is business casual wear a suit. At the very least wear a sports coat with a tie and dress pants. If they tell you to wear jeans, you should still wear Dockers with a jacket and tie. If it seems you are overdressed to the point of not being comfortable you can always remove the jacket and roll up your sleeves.

Naturally, if you are employed in a job where you never wear a suit, you do not want to give your boss any reason to be suspicious. You can always inform the interviewer of your situation, but is indeed a prudent move to dress the part. While not ideal, you can always change into your suit in a highway rest stop, or a fast-food bathroom. It is better dress properly for an interview than to meet your interviewer in a tee shirt and jeans, if the job requires a suit.

In the end, when in doubt wear a suit. Most interviewers will take overdressing as a compliment. Yet, if the interview takes place in the center of a manufacturing plant perhaps a casual appearance is appropriate. When wearing a suit, the conservative or traditional look is best. Avoid loud colors. Dress in a way that will draw the interviewer to your face, not away from it. If you are told to wear jeans wear Dockers, a collared shirt and a tie.

So, dress for success! These tips will ensure that you are making a good first impression – an impression that will last and will land you the job you have been dreaming off.

Author Bio: Pohl is a writer for mens fashion advice articles and style tutorials. He also manages several online retailers including Ties-Necktie.com – a site for mens ties, bow ties, and a mens fashion blog.

Category: Advice
Keywords: mens interview fashion,how to dress for a job interview,career fashion tips for men,ties-necktie

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