How to Get Hot Women

They breeze by us on the street, looking like a million bucks, smelling fantastic, and leaving a wake of men stunned behind them.

They are the beautiful women in the world. They seem so unattainable, but truly they are not. You don\’t have to be an experienced PUA to get their attention. They are just like any other woman, but they are blessed with physical good looks that many others envy. But this does not necessarily make them any better or more desirable than any other woman you run across.

I’m not saying that there aren’t beautiful women out there who are also the kindest, sweetest, most amazing women out there. There are some like that, but just because they are beautiful on the outside does not mean they are perfect or even out of your league. It helps to have some good information about How to Seduce a Girl.

Here’s how you can get hot women.

* The first step is to dethrone them. What I mean by that is that we tend to place a beautiful woman on a pedestal before we even have a chance to talk to them. Immediately break this habit.

* Realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone will think your amazingly beautiful woman is as good looking as you do. That’s what is great about beauty – we all have different concepts about what exactly beauty is. So, don’t think that just because you think she is beautiful she is surrounded by adoring men and would not give you the time of day. Not true.

* Give yourself a little self-esteem boost. Make sure you are being the best man you can be. If you are poor self-confidence, you probably think you aren’t good enough for any woman, nonetheless the knock-your-socks-off gorgeous ones. That needs to be your first step, actually, even before lifting them ever so gently off their pedestals.

* Do not focus on their looks. They are bored with hearing about their looks. They have heard it a million times. Instead, focus on the traits and qualities that have nothing to do with her looks. You will enjoy and appreciate her more and you will stand out from the crowd.

These are all great tips but ultimately the biggest obstacle most men face when they are attempting to meet and attract beautiful women is their own self-limiting false belief that they aren’t good enough.

You don’t have to have movie star looks, a ton of money, a great job, or a nice car to date an amazingly hot woman. If you take the time to notice, most beautiful women end up with average looking men. I’m not sure exactly why this is true, but it seems to be the rare instance both partners in a couple have exceptional good looks.

It really boils down to biology. Women are innately programmed at a cellular level to seek out men for other traits and qualities besides physical attractiveness.

So, remember that when you see a beautiful or amazingly hot woman and the first thing you think is that she’s out of your league. This is not true. But lucky for you many other guys don’t realize this and that gives you a leg up.

Author Bio: Bill has been a pick up artist for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl . The original article can be found here: How To Get Hot Women.

Category: Dating
Keywords: flirting tips, relationship advice, how to flirt, play hard to get

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