The Truth About Fainting-Dizzy Spells-and Vertigo

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience dizziness and many of us have felt faint or have actually fainted. While there are many reasons for this type of occurrence, most of them can be avoided or eliminated altogether with a little knowledge and forethought. Most of the sensations that accompany each problem may seem similar to you but the differences in each are important to determine the cause and treat it for the individual problem that it is at the time of occurrence.

– Dizziness causes loss of balance from a sense of spinning inside your head.

– Fainting, or syncope, is a temporary loss of, or decrease in, consciousness due to the blood supply to your brain being momentarily inadequate.

– Light-headedness is a very mild case of fainting that result in a woozy feeling.

These sensations can all be brought on by the following…

– Hunger
– Exhaustion
– Emotionally upsetting news or events
– Pain that crosses the moderate threshold to the severe
– Hot, stuffy environments Should be avoided
– Laughing or urinating excessively
– Drugs and/or alcohol
– Dehydration
– Heart rhythm variations
– A sudden drop in blood pressure
– Standing suddenly
– Any activity that decreases brain blood flow

Do Not Confuse With Vertigo

You can experience a feeling of vertigo, which is the feeling that your surroundings are spinning around you. Vertigo is caused by inner ear problems. Vertigo is a completely different problem. As for Dizziness, Fainting, and Light-headedness, you can prevent any of these unusual problems by trying these preventative measures.

– Have your meals at regular intervals and eat snacks in between if you are hungry.
– To avoid exhaustion, take restful breaks during workout sessions
– Eight glasses of water daily is plenty but you should drink more than eight in hot weather
– Do not drink alcohol in hot weather
– Read prescription drug information to avoid being caught off guard by side effects
– When you stand, do so slowly after sitting or lying in one position for a long period of time
– Take Dramamine or Bonine for motion sickness

Dizziness And Fainting

Once you identify the things that cause dizziness or fainting, you can avoid or alter the activity in the future. If you feel dizzy or faint, lie down and prop your legs in a position higher than your heart or sit with your head between your knees. If you feel dehydrated, take liquids in small sips rather than gulping large amounts. Stay cool by avoiding hot and stuffy areas and if you have questions about medications, call your doctor or pharmacist.


The feeling of vertigo can make you nauseous. If you experience vertigo, lie down in a room that is dark and quiet. Try to avoid making sudden movements. If the room starts spinning, close one eye and focus in on one stationary object with the other eye. This should help alleviate the spinning sensation. Most importantly, if you experience dizziness, fainting, or vertigo often or begin having these bouts without a history of it beforehand, see your doctor about possible causes. An ear doctor might be in order. If you do not obtain a reference from your family physician, ask the ear doctor\’s receptionist when making the appointment if they have the HIPAA Privacy Rule training. This means that they can obtain your pertinent medical records without putting your other personal information in jeopardy.

Taking Action

Do not take your health for granted. Dizziness, fainting spells, and frequent light-headedness could be a symptom of an underlying illness and vertigo could mean an inner-ear problem. Catching the problem early can only be a plus for you.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Privacy Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: fainting spells,Dehydration,Fainting,dizziness,HIPAA Privacy Rule

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