Lose Weight Today

How do we know which foods are actually ok for us to eat? And which ones will actually help lose weight, and burn fat? I will let you in on a little secret! 1.Well for starters our ancestors only could eat what they hunted and found in the wild.We do have grocery stores today so I\’m not saying for you to go out in the wild and hunt for your own food but have that mindset while searching for food in a store.If the food on your plate is something that you cannot find out in the wild then perhaps you shouldnt be eating it. It most likely won\’t help you on your road for weight loss As far as we know there are no twinkie bushes out there so they are not good for you!If you were eating some vegetables and a juicy hamburger and maybe some nice fruit on the side that would be great, but leave out the pasta, bread, and twinkies.Those are food that did not exist during times way back in the day. We are much healthier without them. 2.Our ancestors also could only drink what they found aswell.And do you know perhaps what humans have been able to find and drink for generations? Water! The magical potion to increased health and weight loss is actually water. Simply water.Somehow we have strayed away from that and the majority of people walk around dehydrated and suffering from many side effects will could be solved by drinking more water.A few symptoms that could be resolved are: Headaches, constipation, hunger and digestive discomfort are just a few.Rule of thumb is to drink half your bodyweight in ounces each and every day (i.e. 200 lbs should drink 100 ounces). 3.We should all be active for the most part of the day.It is an essential part of fat loss and optimized health that can be overlooked. Move, move, move. I cant say it enough. And the more active you are, the more water you should drink, and from that, the more weight you should lose. Movement doesnt always mean formal exercise. Instead of taking the elevator take the stairs, get up once an hour and walk around. There is a lot to do to avoid sitting all the time.Many men would be to out of shape and get exhausted fast if they tried to keep up with our ancestors during a hunt. The Best Diet and the Best Lifestyle plan can be easily established by just modeling the daily activities and food choices of our ancestors.So the question you need to ask each time your about to eat a food is this something I would have found a long time ago in the wild? If no then don\’t eat it and find something else and you will lose weight and become much healthier. I can tell you that just eating these types of food you will burn fat and lose weight. And if you keep yourself active throughout the day you will be flying! Our bodies are meant to move so make sure you keep active. Natural food such as raw fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that our body can actually absorb and use, where as man made foods are mostly artificial and are discarded by the body. It makes an incredible amount of difference while trying to lose weight and become healthy.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to lose weight, lose weight, burn fat, weight loss,nutrition,lose weight fast,

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