All About HIIT Cardio

The most popular form of cardio training right now is definitely HIIT. You have most likely already heard of it, but you might not know what it is. It actually means High Intensity Interval Training. The name sounds intense; the workout is even more intense.

If you are really serious about improving your physical health, then this is going to be the ultimate form of cardio training for you. It takes much less time to do than traditional cardio, and it burns off much more calories in the process. Traditional cardio would be jogging or running, or anything that you would do at a steady pace for an extended period of time. It gets boring and repetitive, and it is just not as effective.

Here is a HIIT workout that will burn you more calories and increase your stamina much better than any traditional cardio workout would. We will use jogging as an example:

At first you would begin with five minutes of jogging at a steady pace in order to give your muscles a warm up and keep from getting any injuries. At the end of this warm up period, you would pick up the pace and sprint for 30 seconds. After sprinting for thirty seconds, go ahead and slow down to a steady pace for two minutes. Once the two minutes is up, you sprint again for another 30 seconds. Repeat this process as many times as you can, and then finish by walking in order to cool down. HIIT cardio training really gets your heart rate going, and you will be able to notice the benefits after doing it just one time.

Due to the fact that this kind of training is so effective and works so efficiently, you will soon need to up the intensity. If you were to use the example above, you could begin to reduce the intervals in between from 2 minutes to ninety seconds. Then over time you would just continue to reduce the time until both times are exactly even. A lot of long distance runners use this technique in an effort to build up their stamina fast as well as to help them work on their sprinting finish and make it much stronger.

The one thing that you need to watch with this kind of training is that it can sometimes be fairly easy to over train your body. Over training would be when you have exercised so intensely that your physical body is unable to recover. In order to avoid this, you need to make sure that you start out slowly with this kind of workout. See how your body feels after starting out with 15 minute blocks. Try this for just a couple of sessions before you decide to increase the intervals of time in which you utilize this program. Additionally, keep in mind that your body will need plenty of sleep in order to fully recover.

You are now educated on exactly what HIIT is, as well as how to use it- so try it out soon in order to maximize your workouts!

Author Bio: For more information about HIIT Training and HIIT Workout Routine, visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: HIIT, HIIT Workout, HIIT Cardio, HIIT Training, HIIT Workout Routine

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