Fonseca Cubano Limitado Cigar Review
Origin: Dominican Republic Wrapper: Honduran
Binder: Dominican Republic Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican Olor
Strength: Mild to Medium Flavor: Creamy
Price: Handmade
The Fonseca Cubano Limitado is a cigar that creates and evokes memories. Life is a series of experiences; some poignant, some heartbreaking – a cigar can enhance and punctuate that experience. The birth of a child, the closing of a big business deal, landing that big sailfish after a hard fought afternoon, or just the sun setting in an ocean illuminated by an amber and gold splashed sky. Each of these is an experience of varying degrees of joy and nuance – and each requires a cigar that reflects the gregariousness, or subtlety of the moment.
The Fonseca Cubano Limitado is a cigar of subtle magnificence. From it’s absolutely flawless wrapper, to the classic black and gold ring band, it echoes of smooth and deliberate grace. Since its arrival on the North American market in 1962, Fonseca has become one of the world\’s most well known names in cigars. The Fonseca Cubano Limitado is manufactured in Santiago, Dominican Republic by MATASA (Manufactura de Tobacos S.A.) Master cigar blender Manuel Quesada owns the Fonseca brand. Sr. Quesada has been working in the tobacco industry nearly his entire life. He started in Cuba in the family concern at the age of 13. La familia de Quesada were one of the leading tobacco brokers on the island, moving everything from coarse cigarette tobacco to the finest Cuban cigar leaf. Like many other families, they were driven into exile by the rise of the communist regime in 1960. Because they were a diversified company from the start, they transferred their entire business to the Dominican Republic where they had been buying and selling tobacco for many years. It was not long after that they began manufacturing cigars.
The Fonseca Cubano Limitado comes in several sizes. My favorite is the Belicoso, a 61/2 inch by 52 ring gage torpedo that is pure luxury. Normally, the name “Belicoso” is reserved for a smaller torpedo in the 5 inch by 50 ring size – but no matter what they call it – its great. There is a smaller Belicoso Corto 5 inch by 52 ring gage. A Robusto in classic 5 inch by 50-ring gage and a Toro (the North American version of the classic Cuban Corona Gorda) in 6 inch by 50 ring gage
From the foot, to the perfectly wrapped crown, the Fonseca Cubano Limitado Belicoso is the perfect example of the cigar rollers skill. The natural wrapped Fonseca cigars use some of the smoothest Connecticut shade-grown leaf I’ve ever experienced, barely a vein crosses the perfect symmetry.
The filler is a blend of aged Dominican Olor tobaccos. This gives the Fonseca Cubano Limitado cigar a mild, creamy flavor. The smoke is best described as rich, with a very pleasant aroma. The construction is flawless and the black and gold ring is a throwback to the classic Cuban Trinidad. The draw is perfect, and the quality is second to none. The creamy texture of the smoke lends itself to pairing it with a great highland single malt Scotch, something light and mellow, and not too peaty.
Author Bio: For more information on Fonseca Cubano Limitado Cigars as well as other cigar lines like Camacho or Davidoff cigars visit our online cigar shop.
Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Fosneca Cubano Limitado Cigar