The Employee Handbook is a Vital Part of Your New Restaurant

The very moment that you decide on what kind of restaurant you want to open is when you want to get started on your business plan. Believe me; you cannot get a loan without a really good restaurant business plan. The better the plan, the better the odds are for that loan. However, there is something else that you are going to need and the sooner you hire a freelance writer to start on it, the better. Your employee handbook and manual is the most important item you will give to your new employees.

Cover The Basics

You will need a basic employee handbook for every member of your staff. In the basic handbook, you will need to describe in detail what it is that you expect from your employees. Some of the generic topics that you will cover include:

– Dress Code
– Absenteeism and Tardiness
– Theft
– Ethics
– Customer Service Expectations
– Cleanliness

Dress Code

Many restaurants will issue uniforms to their employees. The employee is responsible for keeping them clean and in good repair. Personal hygiene is very important when dealing with the public and food. Piercings and tattoo are not in good taste and should be avoided. Hair should be clean, short or in a hairnet.

Scheduling and Absenteeism

The employees are expected to be at work on time every day that they are scheduled. The employee is responsible for knowing their schedules at all times. Late or absent behavior affects everyone. When an employee is late or absent, someone else suffers by having to stay late or work a shift to cover you. It is not fair to anyone. This needs to be expressed in emphasis in the employee handbook in more than one place because that kind of behavior will get an employee fired and replaced faster than anything.

Employee Theft

Theft affects the restaurant inventory. It cannot be tolerated on any level regardless of reason. Theft is wrong regardless of whether it is out right theft or simple grazing. The restaurant must adopt a zero tolerance rule towards theft and it must be made perfectly clear that the restaurant management will aggressively pursue and prosecute theft. An open door policy may help avoid theft by allowing your employees to bring their problems to light before they steal. As a good employer, you want to help. That is only natural.

Customer Service

Customer service is the most important part of any restaurant skill. Without the customer, there is no restaurant. There are training classes online that you can direct your staff to take. You can also team new help with experienced wait staff on shifts so that they can help each other. The one thing that never ends is customer service training. It is an ongoing process because it is also an ever-changing process. New and exciting ideas and concepts in customer training are coming along every day. Stay on top of this and keep your employees in the loop. The employee handbook is the perfect place to start.

Safety Starts Here

You should also cover each job and its expectations in the employee handbook. Every employee should receive a copy of all of the job descriptions should they decide to cross train. Cross training is a key ingredient to a restaurant\’s success. Your employee handbook is where this, and restaurant safety begins.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our food inventory website.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Food,Customer Service,Restaurant,food inventory,Business Plan ,Give Away,Restaurant\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s Inventory

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