My Daughter Bankrupted Me

I always wanted her to take responsibility and she always told me about everything. We were more than a father and a daughter. We were more than friends. We always shared our secrets, our problems. We laughed together and cried together. She always was a free spirited girl. She had girl friends and boyfriends. She was very successful at the school. She started live in her own apartment a few years ago. She was very young but as I told you I always wanted her to take her own responsibility and to live in an apartment of her own was a big one. A few months ago I received a phone call. It was from one of those debt relief services. They were asking about my salary, savings in the bank and debts. When I asked them what this was about they told me that my daughter was on the edge of bankruptcy and they were trying to solve her economical problems. They asked me how much I could spare to turn things around for my daughter monthly. I gave them an estimate number and hang up the phone.

I didn’t know whether I should call her or not. I didn’t want to make her feel ashamed but on the other hand I wanted to know how she spent so much money. So I decided to call her and try to understand what the problem was without telling her about the phone call I received. So I called her and asked how she was doing. She was very cheerful on the telephone and told me how much she missed me and so on. At last I couldn’t stop myself and asked her about her financial state. That question took away her cheer and she started to cry. I couldn’t believe my ears when heard her story.

She was going steady with a boy whose father was very rich. They were having dinners in fancy restaurants and going to the best clubs in the city. She was planning to marry him. She told me that one day he went away and never returned. A few days later she realized that all of her credit cards were at their limits and all the spending were made from her credit cards. At first she couldn’t believe her eyes but when she called the bank they told her that it was all true and because she was the one who spent all that money they couldn’t give a refund or start a criminal case.

So I took over some of her debts and we are trying to pay all that money trying to save every penny. After I started to help her, the specialist from the debt relief services told me that it will be easier to decrease the amount of interest rates. He told me it may even be possible to have reduction from the banks. We are hopeful because we have to be. If they can’t solve our problem I’ll really be bankrupt.

Author Bio: Learn more about Debt Relief Services and Kentucky Debt Consolidation Help today!

Category: Finances
Keywords: Debt Relief Services

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