What is 7-Keto DHEA and Why is it Better Than DHEA?

DHEA is an acronym for the adrenal hormone called DeHydroEpiAndrosterone which has the ability to boost the immune system, enhance memory power and regulate thermogenic effects of other hormones. Generally, its primary function in the body is to serve as a precursor for the sex hormones. Anatomically, DHEA is found inside the body in higher amounts during the first few days of life. This level stays high during childhood and peaks during young adulthood. This is the reason why the development of secondary sex characteristics, both male and female, happens during these years. However, DHEA levels decline as age increases.

During the middle adulthood, DHEA levels start to decrease thus sex hormones also decline as manifested by changes in the body. 7-keto – DHEA is an end product of DHEA. It is yielded during DHEA metabolism. Thus, amounts of 7-keto – DHEA is dependent to the levels of DHEA and the frequency of metabolism inside the body. In this account, if the levels of DHEA drop, so is with 7-keto – DHEA. Though DHEA is an adrenal hormone, 7-keto – DHEA is plainly a metabolite which means it is a non – hormonal and non – adrenergic product of DHEA metabolism.

Fortunately, these hormones are available nowadays as a synthetic nutritional supplement. Needless to say, maintaining the normal amounts of 7-keto – DHEA or DHEA is important because it is helpful in building muscles and in decreasing unnecessary fats. The major function of 7-keto – DHEA is to enhance the body’s calorie – burning capacity all throughout the day by intensifying the basal metabolic rate. This does not only improve burning of fats but also lessens the storage of fat inside the body. As we all know for a fact, obesity is one of the most common precipitating factors of certain life threatening health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular attacks.

According to researchers, 7-keto – DHEA is better than DHEA. Both have the same effects in terms of improving the immune system, enhancing memory and increasing body metabolism. However, 7-keto – DHEA supplementation does not anymore require to be metabolized inside the body unlike DHEA. 7-keto – DHEA has no toxic side effects and is less likely to cause problems than DHEA supplementation. In addition, 7-keto – DHEA does not have androgenic, estrogenic or steroidal effects. Excessive steroids inside the body may cause immunosuppression thus increasing the risk of infection. Thus, DHEA is not safe to be used in longer periods but 7-keto – DHEA is.

Supplementation of 7-keto – DHEA or plainly DHEA must be started only under the supervision of a qualified health care provider. This kind of supplementation must also be taken for a short span of time unless extremely necessary or to be used as a hormonal replacement therapy for individuals with adrenal failure. If symptoms or any adverse reactions occur after commencing 7-keto – DHEA supplementation, please consult your physician and seek medical advice to be completely safe. Though these may occur, 7-keto – DHEA is relatively safe to use.

You can find DHEA at your local or internet vitamin store in 5mg, 10mg, 25mg, and 50mg dosages. Always choose name brands to ensure quality and purity of the DHEA supplement you buy for better health and wellness.

Author Bio: If you need a health and wellness boost, give DHEA a try risk free at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store. http://vitanetonline.com/

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Panax Ginseng, Immune Boost, Antioxidant boost, Adaptogen

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