How to Get Your Rakeback Website Ranked Well in the Search Engines

You are an experienced online poker player and have established for yourself a fine rake back deal. You may even have signed up with some poker rooms\’ affiliates programs in hopes of becoming a rakeback provider yourself. But you are not where you want to be in this endeavor at this point. What you need is for more players to sign up with you. Here are a few ways to make that happen.

There are many ways to accomplish this. Some successful ways discussed below have to do with driving traffic to your site via Search Engine Optimization techniques. Accordingly, you will need to create a website and build links to it to encourage new sign ups to your affiliate accounts.

When designing your website, pay close attention to how the search engines will rate it. Obvious, you say? Not when you realize that there is a plethora of sites on the net with duplicate content, irrelevant content, or heaven forbid, no content al all. Don\’t let your site be one of these.. Your site will have unique content and unique keywords to gain real improvement in your site\’s search engine rankings.

Now that that is done, you need to take on the less obvious and more time consuming task of building the links that will point to your website from relevant sites and pages. Here are a few ways to do just that.

1. Directory Submissions – By submitting your website to directories you score one way links from pages with similar links on them. These links are somewhat related to your website and are fairly easy to obtain. Another advantage is that these links are generally free.

2. Social Bookmarking – By bookmarking your website at social bookmarking websites you will quickly gain more one way links to your rakeback site. You may also be able to drive some targeted traffic if you tag the site properly and others are searching those tags. These links are also free.

3. Commenting on Blogs – If you leave comments on the other\’s blogs, you can generate quality links. What\’s crucial here is to leave comments related to the actual post where you make them rather than resorting to generic spam. Do this and your comments will be posted more often and thereby generate more links to your rake back website.

4. Article Marketing – By writing and submitting articles to article directories, publishers, mailing lists, and blogs, you can generate a lot of one way links to your poker site. These links are good links as they are coming from an article that you wrote. This means that the page should be highly related to your topic and the anchor text should be exactly what you choose.

Build several quality, relevant links to your rakeback website and the targeted traffic is sure to follow, giving you valuable improvement in the search engine results pages. Of course, this will only lead to more player signups and more money in your wallet. Now, some cautionary words to the wise. Don\’t blow your newly added income at the roulette wheel.

Author Bio: For information on how to start your own rakeback business check out the complete Rakeback SEO Blueprint and also make sure to stop by and get your Free Poker Blog Themes from

Category: Internet
Keywords: rakeback, seo, marketing, poker, gambling, online marketing, internet marketing

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