10 Tricks For Growing Basil Indoors

Basil is a marvellous herb, and one which can easily be grown both outdoors and indoors. To grow basil indoors one should become familiar with these 10 tricks which will have anyone on their way to growing indoor basil within no time.

Basil is a well-known herb, known for its fragrant and tasty leaves which can be used for raw salad, or cooked with tomatoes to make tomato and basil sauce. There are, of course many other uses for the herb, classed as an essential by culinary experts worldwide.

One trick for growing basil indoors is to ensure that its soil has adequate drainage at the base of the pot. This will allow the roots to develop properly and the plant will benefit from it as the excess water will be able to exit into a dish or saucer.

Knowing the pH level of your soil is another trick. Basil grows best in soil which is between 6 and 7.5 on the pH scale. A further trick is to monitor the pH level of your soil every 4-6 weeks, and change it if needed using half-strength organic fertilizer. You should add a small amount of fertilizer every month or so to give the basil the nutrients it needs.

Another trick is to make sure that the plant pots get enough light from the sun (about 6-8 hours a day). This can easily be achieved by placing the pots on a window sill where the sun will provide the basil with the energy it needs to grow and mature.

You should place a few seeds in each pot. Sew them thinly, and the plants will have the right amount of space to germinate properly. This should happen around a week after sewing, and once the plants have grown two proper leaves, you should remove the two weaker plants and leave the strongest in the pot.

Water your basil at the base of the plant – do not shower the leaves and stems. The trick is to water about once a week for the best effects. Also remove any flowers as they appear, as this will keep the basil’s flavour, and promote its growth even further.

The beauty of basil is that it can be grown all year round. The final trick is not to harvest a complete plant, but to take a few leaves off of each, starting from the top of the plants. That way further basil can be harvested as and when needed.

It\’s also worth sharing that basil is a great plant to grow in your office. Unlike many herbs, basil actually performs well in the hot and humid environments of the modern office. It also smells great and a few sprigs can turn your boring cheese sandwich into a healthy tasty treat.

Tomatoes are a perfect with a few leaves of fresh basil – try to harvest your basil as soon as the leaves are big enough. Old basil leaves become tough and lose their delicate flavor. If you want to create Italian dishes then you will need as much basil as you can lay your hands on. Most recipes ask for a few leaves adding at the end but most of us just use the dried alternative. Any Italian will look at disgust if you use dried basil instead of the fresh form.

Author Bio: If you want to know more about Growing basil indoors then check out my blog. Please feel free to contact me at my blog if you want similar content for your website.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: growing basil, growing herbs, growing basil indoors, growing basil outdoors, how to grow basil

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