Montecristo Edicion Limitada
The Montecristo Edicion Limitada keeps with the amazing tradition of all Montecristo cigars. The hand crafted Montecristo Edicion Limitada is another unique stick manufactured by skilled craftsmen in the Dominican Republic.
This medium to full-bodied stick has a broad-leaf binder with a dark, honey tinted San Andreas Corojo wrapper that originates from the Dominican Republic. The delectable fillers are Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic tobaccos. This quality wrapped within will cause any palate to burst with anticipation.
The Montecristo Edicion Limitada is an elite brand, and its introduction was one that paid tribute to Montecristo Belicoso, Romeo y Julieta Churchill, H. Upmann Robusto, and Trinidad Toro. This world-renowned list of names deserved a major tribute, and so it was done with the release of this amazing stick. This rare and extremely restrained edition has strong character, and the blend itself is unbelievable, making it an absolute treat for any smoker that appreciates high quality and perfection.
The famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory located in the Dominican Republic has matured in achievement, while having fabulous construction of hand picked tobaccos. The craftsmen that created these gems are famous as well, and are some of the most talented artisans in the entire industry.
The San Andreas Corojo wrapper encompasses the robust Connecticut Broad-leaf binder, along with the premium tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. This combination makes for an awesome and unique blend of flavors that will provide hours of smoking enjoyment and relaxation. The highest possible quality one could hope to experience.
Once these Montecristo Edicion Limitada cigars are lit, there is a creamy smooth combination of coffee bean, cedar, and a delightful earthy hint. This impressive rod is fairly complex because of the cinnamon and cocoa flavors that slowly followed during the second note of this journey.
As the experience of taste progresses, the flavors never seem to get harsh, only richer and bolder to the palate. The smoke that radiated from this amazing stick was medium to full bodied, and when the finish finally came to the forefront, it was absolutely marvelous, with an easy draw of dark chocolate and bread, with no harshness or bitterness to it at all. These are priceless for the quality of enjoyment and relaxation you will experience while indulging in one.
Truly the Montecristo Edicion Limitada cigar is the ultimate in a smoker’s experience. To take the journey of a lifetime in a balloon of impeccable flavor and aroma is any smokers dream. The billowy and seamless smoke swirling around from this perfected rod carries the enticing aroma to dance within your nostrils, awakening your taste buds in anticipation of what is to come.
Only a serious aficionado can truly understand and experience the greatness of a Montecristo jewel. You will certainly be disappointed if you go to your humidor and find that you are out of these exquisite smokes. These top star sticks have captured taken this industry by storm, and are constantly sold-out in most cigar shops due to their enormous popularity.
Author Bio: Serious Cigars is an expert in montecristo cigars , cigar lighters, and humidors
Category: Recreation
Keywords: cigar smoking, humidor, cigars, , cigar cutter, lighter, cigar shop, cigar ashtray