How to Keep Spring Pests From Invading

Spring is one of the best times of the year, especially if you live in an area where the winters are long and harsh. Those first few days of warmer temperatures and sunshine are a welcome relief from the bitter cold and constant snow fall. However, spring has a few downsides too. The good news is; many of them can be avoided if you do a little planning ahead. Bugs are one of the main concerns of spring. Whether you hate them because they are gross and creepy or you need to protect your home from certain species of bugs, it is a problem that should be taken care of as soon as possible. The sooner you act, the less likely you are to have a major infestation on your hands. For serious problems, you may need professional pest control. Problems that are dangerous to your home like termite control should warrant the use of an experienced professional.

To eliminate the problem of ants invading your home, spray the door and window openings with vinegar. Ants hate the pungent aroma of vinegar and will run in the opposite direction if they smell it. If an army of ants is headed to your home, they will stop immediately, the moment they smell the unwelcoming scent. You may need to reapply the vinegar spray several times over the course of the season and the smell may be a little offensive when you first enter your home, but if it keeps away the bugs, it is worth it.

Concentrating on the outdoor area surrounding your home is one of the most important things you can do to eliminate a bug problem. Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying and dangerous of the summer bugs, so keep them at bay is a big plus. First, eliminate any standing water from your outdoor space. If you have puddles of melted snow, sweep the water into the grass so it soaks into the soil. Spray bushes and shrubs a few times to kill the existing bugs and to keep their eggs from hatching. Usually, where there is one mosquito, there are several hundred more on the way. Keeping the mosquito population down is a must for keeping your outdoor space safe.

Pets loathe bugs as much as you, so make sure they are bug free all spring and summer long. Whatever flea treatment you use for your pet, it needs to be reapplied at the beginning of spring. You can supplement the medicinal treatments throughout the year by spraying your pet with an essential oil blend that is made up of geranium or eucalyptus. Both thwart fleas and other pet-targeting bugs.

In your quest to eliminate bugs from your living space, do not go overboard. Remember, there are good bugs, too. Bumble bees cause none of the harm of wasps or yellow jackets and they help the flowers and fruit in your garden to bloom. Spiders help keep a lot of other bugs out of your house, so think twice before squashing a daddy long leg spider. And nobody wants to eliminate the lightning bugs that float into the yard when the weather warms, casting a glow of luminescence on the garden and outdoor space.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis has often called on the expertise of a Knoxville Pest Control company to treat her large office facility. She scheduled a Knoxville termite Control expert to inspect her house for termites.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Knoxville Pest Control,Knoxville Termite Control

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