IVF or Vasectomy Reversal: Learn What Works Best For You

When it comes to preparing for pregnancy once more, most couples are faced with two options. The first one is in-vitro fertilization, and the second one is vasectomy reversal. In-vitro fertilization or simply IVF is that procedure where the egg cells of the woman are fertilized by the sperm of the man outside of the body. Once fertilized, the egg is then transferred to the uterus of the woman thus the development of baby. Vasectomy reversal on the other hand is simply the opposite of vasectomy. The intent of the procedure is to re-connect the vas deferens through microsurgery. Once re-connected, sperm can once again flow through the vas, and the man’s reproductive health is restored.

These are two good and reliable treatments that can be had by any couple wanting to have another shot at parenthood. In fact, if researches and past studies will be evaluated it will be revealed that both these two procedures deliver similar delivery rates at 43 percent. So whatever a couple chooses, the intent of having another baby will be realized. But if you are the type of person that tends to think things over and compare options, then focus on the pros and cons of each procedure to determine which is one is right for your needs, circumstances and budget.

Advantages of the vasectomy reversal

– If the procedure is a success, then the couple can experience the natural way of conception. As always this can be fun, desirable and cost-effective.

– In terms of cost, this procedure is cheaper than the IVF. Based on prevailing market costs, the vasectomy reversal generally is just one half the price of a regular IVF. There was even a study made that stated the fact that if costs are totaled for these two procedures, the IVF is considered as three times more pricey than the reversal.

Some concerns with reversal procedure

– Not all reversals are successful.

– And often, the success rates in getting the woman pregnant will depend on the number of years in between the vasectomy and the reversal procedure. For those wanting to take advantage of a reversal procedure, the suggestion is to undergo this procedure not more than 15 years after the vasectomy has been performed. The shorter the years in between, the better the chances of conceiving.

Advantages of the IVF

This is considered as the fastest way to get pregnant and have a child, but this doesn’t work every time. Often, it would take a number of IVF cycles before the woman gets pregnant. Having these things in mind, it’s good to note that the IVF can be considered if the vasectomy reversal did not work. Or if the male has some infertility issues that even the reversal cannot undo and correct. But if all things are right with the reproductive health of the male, the vasectomy reversal can be considered as a good first-choice. The main reason for this is cost- the reversal is way cheaper than an IVF cycle. And just with the same success rates, majority of couples wanting to have another shot at parenthood are better off with the reversal procedure as this comes in cheaper. Don’t just jump into one procedure without weighing all the available options. But when it comes to a sure-fire way to get into fatherhood after vasectomy, vasectomy reversal may just do it.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy blog.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\\\’s health

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