Best Supplements For a Successful Exercise Program

We all realize the health benefits that exercise gives us. The fact is that many of us do not have the energy after our daily routine to stay committed to a regular exercise program. We are going to take a look at the best supplements that can help overcome this. This lack of energy can be caused by several factors. A person may be depressed, recovering from illness or simply run down nutritionally. This will cause us to be more sedimentary than we should be and this lack of activity can actually deplete us of energy.

Due to the lifestyles that we live today many people are nutritionally depleted. This is caused by diets mainly consisting of fast and processed foods that many rely on. These foods do not offer the nutrients that we need. It is a fact that many doctors today do not recognize or treat these nutritional deficiencies that have an adverse effect on our mood and energy levels. We are going to look at five supplements that can lift our mood and increase energy production thus making it easier to sustain our exercise programs.


This vitamin is essential in the production of ATP. This is the fuel that cells burn for energy. Overall there are a large number of people who do not get adequate levels of magnesium from diet. People that need to take diuretics may also be deficient.

In one study it was shown that postmenopausal women who consumed a typical American diet consisting of processed foods came up deficient in this nutrient. It showed that they had a decreased ability to ride an exercise bike. Their muscles became less efficient and had to work harder in order to do the same amount of work. This also included their heart muscle. In female athletes and male rowers magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve performance. Taking more magnesium than you need does not have the effect of enhancing performance. You need to get these levels up to where they should be.

Unfortunately people that are deficient in this nutrient are often not properly diagnosed until the symptoms become severe. Some symptoms would include fatigue, confusion, irritability, muscle cramps and tension. Most people would benefit from 300 to 500 mg of magnesium per day either from the foods they eat or the use of a quality supplement.


Athletes use this to perform longer and recover faster. People that are a little older will use it in order to get the most benefit out of each exercise session. As we age it can also aid us in muscle strength and endurance.

ALC plays a critical role in energy production. Muscles that have sufficient levels of this nutrient are able to burn fats or protein for energy production, not just glucose. Muscles do not become fatigued as quickly and it can increase the levels of testosterone. Increased testosterone levels can boost both muscle and bone mass, increase sex drive and improve mood. This applies to both men and women.


This is very important if you are taking statin drugs to control cholesterol levels. These drugs will deplete this important vitamin. The level of this nutrient will decrease naturally with age. Supplementation can aid in energy production and slow the build up of lactic acid which will cause muscle soreness.


There are eight vitamins that comprise this group. Deficiency in any one of them can result in fatigue, muscle weakness, irritability, and depression. Several of these vitamins are directly involved in the production of energy.

This group of vitamins is essential in the breaking down of carbohydrates into glucose which provides us with the energy we need. They also play a critical role in keeping our nervous system functioning properly. Alcohol and some prescription medications can reduce levels of this group of vitamins. Intestinal disorders can lead to decreased absorption into the body.


This works by improving your mood. For those taking antidepressants it can also enhance their effectiveness. Fish oil will also reduce body fat stores and improve the metabolism of fat causing you to burn it faster.

In summary, if you are committed to maintaining a quality exercise program over the long term you need to do everything that you can to maintain both energy and mood. These two things are critical to your overall success.

Author Bio: Visit us right now for the best supplements to help you maintain your exercise regimen. You will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: best supplements

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