Understanding Attraction Marketing Part 2

The last time we were together we left off with me talking about how I used to chase after people with my network marketing opportunity.

I just couldn’t understand why people, my friends, my family couldn’t see what I saw. Or why they didn’t want to improve their lot in life.
Actually I still don’t understand that one. But that’s the way it is.

For as long as I can remember, since I was old enough to get a job, I haven’t been happy or satisfied with the status quo.

How can anyone be satisfied with the fact that they are told what time to be at a certain place, whether or not they can go to lunch and how long to take for lunch.

They’re told how long they have to stay, if they have to stay past the normal quitting time. “But I have plans”. Doesn’t matter. Nothing in your life matters. Your boss’ needs matter. End of story.

Well those types of people, for the most part, will always be right where they are. There are a million and one reasons why these people choose to stay in their limited life situations and only they know what those reasons are. You don’t need to know. You just need to move on.

Understanding Attraction Marketing Confession

I have something to confess which the female readers may initially be upset with me but will understand and forgive me when they realize I’ve learned the truth.

For a long time in my life whenever the subject, not network marketing, came up which involved women and men I was sort of famous for saying “women want what they can’t have”.

I remember numerous occasions when a group of guys were around and a new, or at least, fairly new female was thrown into the mix she would be the center of attention and guys would just fall all over her.

BUT! If there was a guy in the crowd who was at least average in every way and wasn’t giving her all the attention the other guys were…he’s the one she was looking at and wandering about.

I’ve since learned that it’s not just women who react that way (so don’t hate me ladies). It’s a human condition. Men are exactly the same way. PEOPLE want what they can’t (or think they can’t) have.

If you’ve been in sales in your lifetime you know about “the takeaway”. “You know Mr. Jones if you don’t make a decision you’re not going to get this widget at this price”.

People don’t like to lose, they don’t like to be left out. People love to buy…but THEY HATE TO BE SOLD.

So what is the bottom line here? Well there is a very large group of people, the majority, who will never get involved with your network marketing opportunity. If that size of a group did get involved MLM wouldn’t be the great opportunity that it is.

That is not to say that you don’t give them the chance. Even though you know the majority won’t, don’t be the one who decides who does and who doesn’t. Now I hope it’s obvious I’m not talking about the total %&#*^#@ that NOBODY wants to be around.

Let every decent person you know tell you no. Don’t chase them. Don’t try to talk them into it. Give them all the information they need to make a decision. If they say no…you’re out the door to the next one.

They’ll be dumbfounded. Don’t be surprised, not that you should count or dwell on it, if they come around later and say “tell me about that nitwok monkeying thing again”.

Author Bio: Roger D. Blackwell is the owner of http://NetworkMarketLeads.Com which has FREE Training to show You Don\’t Need To Sell or Chase your friends and family to join your network marketing (mlm) opportunity. You are wasting your time by chasing people. They\’re not going to do anything. Give it up.

Category: Education
Keywords: MLM blog, MLM Training, MLM Leads, MLM Tips,network marketing leads, Online Marketing Blog

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