Tatuaje Cigar History

Tatuaje cigars are made from fine Nicaraguan tobacco. And what makes them even more special is that each one is made by hand under the supervision of Mr. Pepin himself. These Nicaraguan tobaccos were derived from Cuban born seeds and wrapped in a beautiful Corojo wrapper, making this the type of cigar that earns high marks with connoisseurs worldwide. These cigars pack a very spicy and full bodied punch that is sure to please even the most prestigious aficionados.

Tatuaje Cigars produces their amazing cigars at Pepin’s factories, in both Miami and in the Esteli region of Nicaragua. This was Don Pepin’s first brand he produced. Tatuaje was first introduced in 2003 and has been critically acclaimed every year since.

Tatuaje cigars may be boldly bodied, but they all have distinctive flavors which uniquely set them apart from each other. Making these amazing cigars could have been very difficult, if not impossible if the different types of tobacco weren’t available. This also ensures that they are able to produce many different flavors. Oils and hints of coffee lend themselves to the tobacco blending.

Precision is necessary in order to maintain the consistency that Tatuaje is known for with connoisseurs. The flavor shouldn’t be packed with too much robustness, so as to suit the taste of the casual cigar smoker. This flavor should also be bold enough to please the smoker who enjoys a full tasting cigar. For this reason, these cigars are produced in small amounts, and in limited quantities. This ensures quality and craftsmanship in each and every cigar.

Tatuaje cigars have several lines. There are more than six different sizes in the Tatuaje Cabinet cigar line. A Corojo wrapper is featured, and it is a Puro. The cigar’s strength differs due to the filler. For example, the one named Especiales has a mild taste, while the one named the Cazadores is extremely bold flavored. The Reserva is a Puro as well, and it is made with a Corojo wrapper.

The SJ21 uses a special type of tobacco leaf to bond this excellent blend. The Reserva at first has a pepper taste, but becomes creamier tasting after that. You will also find just a hint of a slight coffee taste. Once you reach the last of the cigar you notice an earthier taste. It is offered in more than one size, with each being hailed by a great review from connoisseurs everywhere.

The lines Havana cigars feature a three layer cap, and are styled after the Havana cigars of old. All of the cigars are Puros, and they are of a medium taste with a delightful Corojo wrapper.

Tatuaje cigars have won over many connoisseurs and aficionados alike. Whether you are buying a box or picking up a smaller package, you will be sure to find cigars steeped in quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail that can deliver only the best. These cigars are made with the serious cigar smoker in mind who wants great taste, great body, bold flavor and the very best tobacco. This is a smoke that is pleasing from start to finish.

Author Bio: Want to try a Tatiana Classic Flavored Cigar for yourself, as well as other brands of cigars like camacho cigars visit our online cigar shop.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: cigar smoking, humidor, cigars, , cigar cutter, lighter, cigar shop, cigar ashtray

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