Nopalea Juice, Dr. Oz and Heart Health

Dr. Mehmet Oz is becoming a world-renowned expert on keeping the body healthy. He has a television show and numerous books out that help people learn the important parts of maintaining health.

That’s why when he praised the benefits of the prickly pear cactus; the world sat up and took notice. He included the plant as one of the seven natural wonders of the world during one episode of his show for its ability to help people with diabetes.

On a smaller level, he talked about how the cactus can help with the symptoms of a hangover. Dr. Oz, a Columbia University surgery professor and director of the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital, knows what he is talking about.

Nopalea Juice, made from the prickly pear cactus, is becoming more and more popular as the benefits of the cactus become more widely known.

On his program, “The Dr. Oz Show” the esteemed doctor did a demonstration with an hourglass test-tube showing how the fibrous nature of the prickly pear cactus filtered sugar into the bloodstream. Because of this, eating the plant can help regulate blood sugar levels, therefore helping people with diabetes.

In a recent issue of the free magazine, “Diabetes & You” Dr. Oz gave seven important tips to keep a healthy heart. Let’s recap their basic ideas here for you. These tips are not just for people with diabetes, but are everyone with health problems:

1. Baby aspirin. The first tip he gave was for people to take two baby aspirin daily. The aspiring helps reduce inflammation and helps with blood circulation. He said that people with stomach issues should not follow this tip.

2. Use dental floss. People who floss daily work to stave off inflammatory disease and it also helps prevent gingivitis.

3. Make friend with your pharmacist. Well, you don’t need to be friends, so to speak, but Dr. Oz recommends you have a relationship with your pharmacist so you can ask for, and receive advice from the about the medications you take.

Mixing the wrong drugs, such as blood pressure medicine with other medications, can create dangerous interactions that can even be deadly. Pharmacists are professionals who can help you prevent this.

4. Get your blood pressure taken. Dr. Oz says know what your blood pressure is. He says that it is the number one cause of aging. High blood pressure actually scrapes away the lining of your arteries. Oz says your pharmacy can check your blood pressure for the high and low numbers or you can even buy your own monitor to keep at home.

5. Work out. Exercising enough to sweat at least one hour a week will help you lower blood pressure level and will help your heart health.

6. Be a social butterfly. Friendships and family relationships actually lead to better health.

7. Pop fish oil pills. DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid in these supplements will help with heart healthy, especially if you have experience irregular heartbeat.

So, these are just seven tips to improve heart health. They are all easy and inexpensive ways to stay alive longer.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about helping people with swollen ankles for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with foot pain and other swelling and joint pain in the body. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: nopal cactus, facet joint pain, shoulder pain, swollen hands, nopal juice

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