How To Answer Interview Questions

After tirelessly turning in resumes and applications, the next step in the job search process is the interview. Many people are extremely scared of what they will be asked and they want to know all of the interview questions in advance. Of course this is not possible; it is very difficult to predict what you will be asked. However what you do have is a list of the most common interview questions. These include my top favourites:

– Why do you want this job?
– Tell me about yourself.
– Why did you leave you last position?
– What are your strengths and weaknesses?
– Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

These are asked in so many interviews that it would serve you well to memorize them and to practice answers to each. This will help you to perform well in the interview while maintaining your composure.

Ok, so lets talk more about how to answer in the interview. Remember an interview is a conversation; think about the last conversation you had with someone. Do you remember all of the specific things you talked about? Usually the answer is no. However, you do remember the tone of the conversation and how you felt. By being familiar with and practicing many common interview questions and answers beforehand you will be able to focus on creating a good impression and demonstrating a positive feeling in the interview instead of fumbling with your answers.

To be able to answer any interview question with confidence you need to first learn how to relax. As I mentioned if you are not familiar with the most common interview questions you can waste energy and build up tension in an interview that could have been easily prevented if you follow some simple steps of preparation.

The best way to practice is to look at some interview questions online and have a practice session with someone you trust. Use the list of questions from above as a starter. In addition do some research on the company and highlight specific aspects of the position they are looking for. Prepare your answers informed by your research and then try them out with a friend. Try to create a professional and conversational atmosphere in your practice similar to how you would like the real interview to go.

Practice the questions and answers until you are familiar and confident with them. Once familiar you can then focus on the WAY you answer the question because as we said it is just as important as the answer you give. Have your partner give you feed back until you are delivering your answers with a confident and cool demeanour.

The best way to prepare on the day of the interview is to have a quick practice question and answer session just before your interview. Just as athletes do warm up exercises before a big game it is important for you to warm up as well. When you have had this practice session you will be confident and relaxed and you will be warmed up and ready to go win the job.

Author Bio: Build up a familiarity with interview questions and answers by looking at some of the best lists of sample interview questions and continuing to practice with a coach or friend. Now go win that job! Anette Lewis

Category: Advice
Keywords: interview questions, interview questions and answers, common interview questions, job interview advi

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