What is Real Clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance, derived from a 17th Century term meaning clear vision, is a type of ESP – Extra Sensory Perception. Although often used to describe a variety of psychic abilities, such as second sight, telepathy, prophetic visions and psychic dreams, it is strictly speaking an ability to discern information about a person, object, location or event through perception other than through the usual five senses. A person gifted with this ability is called a clairvoyant – a person who sees clearly.

In parapsychology, the term clairvoyance is used purely to describe information – both in the present time and not readily accessible to the clairvoyant – received from an external source, as opposed to telepathy, where information is transferred from one mind to another. In other words, a clairvoyant has the ability to see or visualise events, objects or persons outside the capability or range of physical sight.

Remote viewing, usually a controlled, specific process, is a facet of clairvoyance, as is clairvoyant dreaming. For instance, a person may dream about a location they have never seen before and later find it is exactly as they had visualised it in their dream. This happened to me, for example, when I was about to start my first term at college. As I had never visited the city where the college was located, my Father offered to take me there in order to find the way from the train station to the college. Having dreamt about it the night before we went, I was able to lead him to the college along the shortest route possible, knowing exactly where and when to turn. I was even able to tell him how long it would take us to get there.

However, outside of the field of parapsychology the term is frequently used to describe other types of paranormal, or anomalous, perception. More often than not, it is used in relation to the perception of past (retro cognition) or future (precognition) events. This is a gift many have without even realising it. To use another personal experience as an example (and I do not claim to be a clairvoyant in any way), a few years ago, a friend\’s daughter had gone into hospital early in the evening to have her first child. While with a group of mutual friends around 10 PM, someone suggested we should call the hospital and find out how she was getting on. As one of them picked up the phone, I announced that a call would be wasted, as she would have a little boy in the early hours of the following morning. We called anyway and were told she was asleep as the labour had slowed. My friend informed me the next morning that her grandson was born at 5:30 AM.

Frequently, mediums will also refer to the perception of images perceived during communication with spirits as clairvoyance. In any case, clairvoyance is a precious gift which can and should be used in order to help and guide others.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Psychics Also Psychic Reading And Psychics

Category: Society
Keywords: psychics, psychic mediums, mediums, psychic readings, online psychics, psychic, medium reading

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