Advantages of Email Marketing

Regardless of a company\’s size, email marketing is a tool available to businesses both big and small. The ability to reach out to an established customer base with minimal effort makes email marketing a very attractive proposition for companies who are looking to improve the revenue they generate online. For those who are unsure, here are a few more reasons why email marketing could be for you.

Once your company has built up a base of subscribers who have signed up you your mailing list, you will be able to communicate with these customers time and time again whilst continually adding new email addresses to your list. This will enable you to keep in touch with a customer base who you know will be interested in your products and services.

One of the main issues with running an email marketing campaign is that of credibility. As instances of email spam have increased over the past decade, regulations have been introduces which help to regulate the sending of electronic communication. Email marketing software should come equipped with features which are compliant with these regulatory measures, including a feature which will allow readers to unsubscribe from your mailing list. In terms of credibility, it is important that your emails are presented appropriately to ensure that when they are received by your customers they have the best possible chance of not being instantly consigned to their \’junk\’ folder. A well designer, written and presented email will maximise your chances of being seen as credible, which will further improve the chances of the reader acting on any call to actions which are contained within the promotional email.

One of the major benefits of running an email marketing campaign is that the outgoing costs are minimal. Were you to choose to market your business and services via traditional print or broadcast media it is more than likely that you would find the costs somewhat prohibitive. As the overheads involved in such marketing channels are so high email marketing is an ideal solution, especially for small businesses who may struggle to dedicate a significant portion of their budget to marketing.

An additional benefit is that through using email marketing software you will be able to clearly track how effective your campaign is. You will be able to find out the statistics for how many people actually opened your emails as well as whether anyone made use of any links in your email pointing through to your website. This information will help you to not only tailor future marketing campaigns, but it will also enable you to further target individual subscribers to your mailing list based on how they interacted with previous campaigns.

It is understandable if you find the process of managing a campaign somewhat daunting. If this is the case there is no need to worry as you will be able to find a number of companies who can offer to completely manage your campaigns for you. You will be able to benefit from their experience and expertise, leaving you safe in the knowledge that your email campaign will have the best chance of promoting your company\’s products and services.

Author Bio: Trevor Richards writes on behalf of Extravision (, a UK supplier of email marketing software.

Category: Advice
Keywords: email marketing, email campaign, ecommerce, internet marketing, e-commerce, email, sales

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