The History of Good Luck Charms

Good luck charms are really affluent in history. Wherever part of the world we go, we can really encounter an object that is greatly revered by the people because of the magic it brings. No one knows for sure if it’s true but it’s something immensely valued by many people especially those in the olden days. It was believed that the advent of the use of these charms was mainly to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. This was the start of the use of amulets. Pretty sure, every culture has a story to tell.

In Egypt, good luck charms are part of their conviction. These had played a significant role in their everyday life. During the ancient days in Egypt whether you may be of lowly or high class, you should be wearing a charm or an amulet. This is because when soon enough you will expire from the mundane world you will be judged by the gods and it was through these charms or amulets that you would be recognized by them. The oldest recorded amulet was recovered in Africa and was about 75,000 years old.

Primitive people made use of earthen materials to make their charms. They made use of mud and clays and molded it in whatever fashion they want. Some also made use of bones and shells. There was also another artifact excavated in Germany which was believed to be already 30,000 years old. The Norse used elephant tusk as their charm. With these proofs, we can really tell that charms and amulets had already gained popularity even during the ancient times.

During the medieval period charms’ popularity had escalated. Queen Victoria herself also sported a charm bracelet. People, especially women, also tried to do the same stuff and wore the same fashion. Charms and amulets were also worn by family members as a symbol of their kinship. Even during the time of war, soldiers were also in to it. They would usually take home the trinkets made by the locals of the place wherein they fought the great battle. In the 1950s and onwards, many teenagers were already wearing charm bracelets and other amulets.

Charms and amulets have been really trending all over the globe. In 2002, Europe had launched another line of charms. The charm bracelet was actually made from different glass beads. The wearer has the option to rearrange the order of the beads depending to his or her own preference. This was indeed a hit for almost everyone because of the vast collection of beads that one can choose from. The prices of these charms may range from as low as $25 to as expensive as $500 – $700. The Danes and the Italians also have their own version of authentic beads.

Indeed, these charms are not merely any object which has extraordinary powers but something which have great stories to tell. Nowadays, we can already find various charms in department stores, some of them authentic and some are just imitations.

Author Bio: Jason Littleton enjoys writing for Charms to Treasure which sells charms and good luck charms as well as a host of related products.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: charms,good luck charms,lucky charms,charms jewelry

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