Auto Insurance is Affected by Traffic Tickets

Driving is a privilege not a right, which means it can easily be taken away if drivers are not careful and obey driving safety laws. If drivers fail to comply with the laws and the rules of the road, traffic tickets could begin to accumulate. Depending on the violation, these dreaded slips of paper could cost a fortune and add points to a drivers license over time.

Different violations add a different number of points to license. Some violations are worth two points, others worth four, and the major violations are worth six. Once a driver reaches twelve points on their license, they are revoked for up to two years. In order to accumulate twelve points, drivers must break the law severely, in this case jail time would be another consequence.

Different locations have different laws and road rules so going online and checking the rules and regulations of the location in question is recommended. No matter where an offender resides or drives, auto insurance rates always go up after violations are reported. Depending on the insurance carrier, some companies may drop drivers\’ coverage after so many tickets or points.

It is crucial to all drivers, young and old, to keep up on laws and obey the rules of the road at all times. If drivers fail to do this the results could be expensive and even fatal. Traffic safety was created to keep drivers as well as pedestrians safe. Once these safety laws have been violated, it could take years to get a clean driving record again.

Police officers are responsible for pulling offenders over and citing them if necessary. Once a driver is issued a citation, depending on the offense and amount of fine, they can pay it through the mail, online via the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or by going to the issuing county courthouse. County courts are responsible for handling all citations involving traffic violations.

Each citation could result in points being added to license depending on the severity of the violation. After six points have been added to license, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles will then contact the driver by mail with a warning. This warning normally tells drivers that they could be at risk of losing their driving privileges for up to two years if six more points get put on their license.

Whether drivers commit two point, four point, or even six point violations, there are always consequences. Six points could easily result in long term jail time and revocation of license. Two and four point citations could result in heavy fines, jail time and getting license taken away for a designated time period. All of these could promote high insurance rates and even cause companies to drop drivers\’ coverage completely.

Auto insurance rates increase dramatically after accidents occur and traffic tickets are issued. Some insurance companies drop drivers completely after so many offenses. Each of these consequences can be avoided if drivers would simply obey the law and drive safely, knowing it is a privilege and not a right.

Author Bio: Has a police officer given you a Toronto Traffic Ticket orTraffic Tickets Toronto? If so, then fight it with paralegal and legal professionals. Speeding and traffic tickets are fought regularly all over Eastern Ontario.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: law, legal, paralegal, speeding tickets, traffic tickets, home, family, business, society

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