How to Fight Speeding Tickets

This article will walk you through how to fight speeding tickets. This is not foolproof advice, just tips and helpful suggestions. Firstly, you will learn how to avoid getting pulled over in the first place, because you won\’t have to fight getting a speeding ticket if you exercise caution beforehand.

The most important thing is making sure your vehicle is up-to-date in all respects. Check the head and tail lights regularly, have a valid license and proof of car insurance in the car, all common sense. You don\’t want the officer to start seeing the obvious things are wrong when he pulls you over for just one reason. Minimize the reasons you would need to speed. Set your clocks five minutes fast and give yourself plenty of time with a little extra to get to where you are going.

All this said, you are driving along the road minding your own business, and you see a police car behind you which has its lights on. With pounding heart, you pull over. What next?

Firstly, stay put. Don\’t get out of the car. Roll down the window and stick your arms and open hands out, to show that you don not have any weapons that the officer needs to worry about.

In fact, it is probably a good idea to place keys on top of the car. This act of submission will put the policeman\’s mind at rest.

Have all your information such as your insurance and your license ready before the officer gets to your window. If it is nighttime, immediately turn on your inside light. The point of these actions is to assure the policeman that you are not a threat. These things will make him more at ease, and less likely to load you down with citations.

The moment he comes to your window is the most important moment of all. The policeman is probably not decided yet whether he is going to ticket you or not. The first fifteen seconds of your encounter will make up his mind. When he arrives at your car, he will most likely ask you one of two questions: Do you know why I stopped you? Or: Do you know how fast you were going? Your response should be very polite and courteous. Always refer to him as officer when speaking to him. You could say No, officer, I do not. Or, I am not really sure. Do exactly what he says. Finally, ask him for mercy. Tell him how much not getting the ticket means to you.

Ask a few questions to show that you are interested. You could ask him if you may see the radar. Usually law requires him to show you the radar, but if he declines, don\’t push it.

Always remember that the officer is a human being just like you with feelings. Imagine the dangerous people that he has to face every day. Make up your mind to be just the opposite, and be as polite as you can. This is the best way of how to fight speeding tickets.

Author Bio: Has a police officer given you a Toronto Traffic Ticket orTraffic Tickets Toronto? If so, then fight it with paralegal and legal professionals. Speeding and traffic tickets are fought regularly all over Eastern Ontario.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: law, legal, paralegal, speeding tickets, traffic tickets, home, family, business, society

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