Healthiest Places In The World

Some of the world’s healthiest places have some factors in common- an ideal geographic location and a positive attitude amongst the natives. Coupled with low stress levels, nutritious diets and active lifestyles, the people here enjoy good physical well being. Here is a glimpse at some of the world’s healthiest places.

Vancouver, Canada

It is predicted that the city of Vancouver in Canada will be the greenest city in the world by 2020. It has been judged as one of the best cities in the world to work, invest and live in. Vancouver has strived to maintain a sustainable green economy and simultaneously value the importance of its natural resources. The place has established itself as a global centre for green collar workers and green development.

Vancouver is often termed as an affordable city that has tackled the convergence of technology and environmental issues wisely. Hydroelectric projects supply 90% of the city’s electricity needs. The natural energy from the wind, waves, tides and sun has been harnessed successfully by the authorities and contributed significantly to energy conservation.

Malmo, Sweden

Malmo in Sweden is noted for its blooming greenery that has been sustained along with its urban development. One of the largest cities in Sweden, you will find that it enjoys lush greenery alongside concrete structures that have become common features of urban spaces. The city officials have always been engaged in the commendable task of promoting bio diversity. Roof tops of city buildings have gardens, which have a positive effect on the health of the residents.

A unique feature of Malmo is its rainwater harvesting system. It is known as the open storm water system, where the rain water drains into canals, ponds, rivulets and fountains, without pouring down into the sewer system.

Island of Sardinia

The island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea is an autonomous region of Italy. Sardinia is often termed as a ‘blue zone’ with an extraordinary number of centenarians in the city. Researchers believe that a peaceful life in complete communion with nature could be the secret behind the large number of the island’s happy centenarians.

Sardinians are a hospitable lot and even in times of scarcity are known to offer the best to their guests. The men folk are mostly shepherds. A typical Sardinian diet includes fava beans, flatbread made of whole meal grains, various fruits and olive oil. A unique feature of the place is that life moves at a leisurely pace here, so the people do not suffer from high stress levels.

Volcan Valley in Panama

El Hato del Volc

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