Nopalea and Hip Pain

When you have hip pain, even something as simple as getting out of bed becomes a major chore that often leaves you gasping in pain.

Hip pain can actually cause people to be bedridden. That’s how important the hips are to movement in the body.

Doctors often prescribe prescription painkillers to relieve or alleviate the pain, but there are often scary side effects and other dangers inherent in painkiller use.

A big trend in our society today – which is hopefully more than a fad – is that people are realizing the importance of monitoring what we put into our bodies.

The old adage – you are what you eat – is becoming popular once again. It seemed like there was a spike of unhealthy eating in the 70s when people turned to processed and premade foods for convenience.

At the time, it was necessary as women entered the work force in droves and had little time to do some of the cooking they had traditionally taken on. Meals that were prepackaged and easy often were full of preservatives and were a world apart from the food’s natural, wholesome state.

It was about the same time that low fat became popular. But just like the low-fat trend proved to be a mistake, so has the bandwagon to eat all-processed foods. Possibly both movements have led to a growth in the number of obese people in this country.

Preservatives and food concocted in laboratories could be blamed for a host of issues, including food allergies in children and even behavioral issues. It is thought that some childhood problems, such as ADD and autism might be more closely linked to our food habits than anything else.

In the past few years there has been a strong movement bringing us back to the whole foods, natural foods habit. Along with this wave, people are seeking out healthier alternatives to problems like chronic pain.

Just in time to ride this wave comes an all-natural juice touted for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties – Nopalea Juice. Made from the Prickly Pear Cactus, the juice is good and good for you.

People who drink it as a regular part of their daily regimen have reported relief from pain in all forms and other pesky or more dangerous symptoms.

Teenage boys have claimed that after trying prescription remedies and other possible aids, they have only found relief from acne by drinking the juice. People, who suffer from chronic paint in the form of fibromyalgia or even headaches, have said they find relief from drinking the juice.

Arthritis sufferers have reported that their joint pain has been relieved from a regimen of drinking the juice.

A native of the Sonoran desert, the cactus is touted to be a natural anti-inflammatory and natural anti-oxidant. The renowned and wise Dr. Mehmet Oz has featured the plant on two episodes of his show. One episode talked about the plant’s high fibrous nature and its possible help for people with diabetes. The other, more lightheartedly, spoke of the plant’s ability to ease the symptoms of a hangover.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Trivita for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including back pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: swollen knee, nopal cactus, joint pain relief, nopal cactus benefits, reducing swelling

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