Conquer Fear of Rejection

A huge hurdle to approaching and meeting women seems to always stem from an innate fear of rejection. We all know this. This is nothing new. If this is such common knowledge, then, why do we still let it affect how we act and what we say and do?

This fear of rejection somehow grows to monstrous proportions and paralyzes otherwise strong, healthy men. Men who have climbed Mt. Everest or swam across the English Channel find they can’t even move their legs forward to walk up to that cute girl and talk to her.

On the surface, this fear is just plain ridiculous. Any man who has experienced this fear wouldn’t hesitate to agree with that statement. But for some reason, we men give this fear all the power in the world. We let it dictate what we do and don’t do.

We allow this fear to conquer us and we watch helplessly as amazing women slip through our fingers. There is no single right way to overcome the fear of rejection, but I am going to offer up one method that has worked wonders for my friends and me over the years. It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but it has had the amazing ability to let me and others I know leave that fear of rejection behind finally.

Here’s the secret, which maybe isn’t so secret: Go out and try to get rejected.

Now, I know this sounds crazy at first, but it really works. I want you to take this on as a homework assignment or an extra credit project and even set mini goals for yourself.

For instance, a terrific way to approach this is to say to yourself that when you go out on Friday night, your goal, your aim, is to get rejected by at least three women. Once you achieve that goal, you’re going to buy yourself a glass of some top shelf liquor you don’t usually splurge on. (Or find some other reward for yourself. Maybe you will go buy yourself a new CD the next morning or something. Just make it something fun you will enjoy that you don’t always indulge in.)

So when Friday night rolls around, get dressed up as you normally would and look your best and then make it your goal to get rejected three times. Maybe you see a woman that normally you wouldn’t approach in a million years because she seems so incredibly out of your league – well tonight’s the night to walk up to her.

Maybe a girl who is surrounded by six of her friends and is probably not looking to meet men at all that night – maybe she’s your target.

Now, when you are doing this, there need to be some ground rules. The first rule is that you can’t dress like a slob. You can’t say something rude. You can’t act like a doof on purpose. To play the game right, you have to actually give yourself a fighting chance and still see if you get rejected.

Go out and try it. You will learn two things: you will learn that rejection is not a big deal and you will learn that sometimes even when you want to get rejected, you don’t, which ultimately allows you to realize that so much of the dating game is out of your hands. Whether someone likes you or not often has nothing to do with you.

Author Bio: Bill has been a PUA for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl. The original article can be found here: Conquer Fear of Rejection.

Category: Advice
Keywords: how to get a girlfriend, PUA Forum, how to flirt with a girl, how to meet women

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