Increasing Traffic to Your Company’s Website

Keyword ranking is a keyword or keyword phrase associated with a particular item, product, topic, etc. on the web that you want a search engine to find. So if you were selling widgets on the web, a person who is looking to purchase a widget would search on the word “widget” on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., Since your company’s website is listed as selling widgets the search engine your website on a list; this list is referred to as “search engine results” as a company selling widgets thus attracting a potential buyer. When this potential widget buyer is looking to buy a widget, it is vital that your company’s website appears up on that first or second page of the search engine results because statistically most people do not look items listed past the ones the first one or two pages. Getting your company’s widget website to appear on the first one or two pages of the search engine results query has to do with search engine ranking.

Really sounds simple enough but there are thousands and thousands of companies that sell widgets and the search engine is going to find all of these widget companies and return a list of them to this potential buyer. Most likely this potential buyer is going to make their decision to purchase a widget from a company’s website that is listed on the first one or two pages of the search engine results if your company’s website is on page three, four, or beyond it will most likely never be looked at by the potential buyer.

So let us say your company website does not appear on those first one or two pages of the search results, how can you make it so it will appear on the first one or two pages of the search results? Cross your fingers and hope that you will find a buyer that is will to go through pages and pages of returned search results for widgets and hope they find your website? Not a great plan. You need to get your website on those first one or two pages of the search engine results in order to get a chance for potential customers to visit your website to make a purchase. You need to do this quickly because other widget companies are selling widgets like crazy and you have an entire warehouse of widgets that need to be sold.

This is where you need to make sure your website is keyword optimized so search engines will find your website and return it on the first one or two pages of a search. This is where keyword ranking comes in. Keyword ranking involves the strategic placement of keywords, the relevancy of the keywords in the title to page content, frequency of keywords on your website among others.

There is several software programs both free and quite expensive that will help you find the keywords that improve your website and return it higher on the search engine results. It is best to find specialists that can help you rank well with specific keywords for your business.

Author Bio: Chuck R Stewart is an SEO expert who helps his clients obtain a high search engine ranking for their business websites. He works closely with the client in order to come up with the optimum keyword ranking.

Category: Internet
Keywords: search engine ranking,keyword ranking

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