Is Bromine Better Than Chlorine For Pool Care?

Caring for your swimming pool can be a daunting task sometimes, however looking at the crystal clear and clean waters of your pool can definitely be rewarding. Many pool owners not only find this job compulsory in keeping their pool looking good, it is also their way of relieving stress.

Swimming pool care never cease in developing the best and the most convenient product for the easy maintenance of pools. Because of this, pool owners don’t have to spend a fortune on frequently hiring pool cleaners and pool technicians to keep their pool healthy and at its best. The development of many different pool sanitizing products has made the life of pool owners much easier.

There are many products widely available in the market today to help pool cleaners as well as the owners of the pools in fighting harmful bacteria, germs and bad microorganisms in invading the pool water. These elements can cause mild to serious illnesses to the bathers when pool water is swallowed. There are two chemical products that work best in killing off these pool water invaders effectively and conveniently.

Bromine is a popular chemical product used as an alternative for chlorine due to its milder form and effects on the skin and eyes of the bathers. Unlike the other chemicals, this product is safer in terms of its reaction on the skin and the odor that it emits when poured into the pool water. There are few reports known of this product that has caused any major medical problem among the swimmers. Most pool owners find this product quite decent than chlorine as it leaves no trace of chemical smell while on the pool and when emerging from the swimming pool water. When it comes to the cost of this product, it sells for about $75 on most stores in the US which may seem to be a little bit higher than chlorine. However, when bromine is used on the pool water it remains intact on the water without evaporating to the air. For this reason, it is used once on the pool and needs no follow-up treatment of this product from time to time. Shocking the pool water regularly is the only maintenance needed in order to activate this chemical to keep it disinfecting the water. Unlike chlorine though, this product is not capable of getting rid of fungi and algae out of the pool.

Chlorine on the other hand is the more popular chemical agent used for disinfecting almost any type of swimming pool due to its affordability and its easy access and its convenience of use. It is good for cleaning algae, fungi, microorganisms, germs and bacteria that are constantly attacking pool waters. Chlorine is regularly added on the pool to maintain cleanliness and to keep the water healthy for swimming. For this reason, this product becomes more expensive than bromine in the long run as pool owners will need to keep on using this product when the water requires its aid as a sanitizer. This product has many risks to the human health as compared to bromine based on the studies performed by scientists.

Author Bio: I write about the Prodigy Pool Systems including the Prodigy Pool Sanitation unit called \”RK-12\”.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: pool water,pool owners,swimming pool,swimming pool water,pool water invaders,pool cleaners

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