Costs That Could Increase Your Swimming Pool Budget

Have you heard about horrible stories how swimming pools have doubled their costs due to unexpected change orders before finally completing them? Yes, these stories have basis to have happened if certain precautionary measures were not taken before plunging into this idea of constructing your swimming pool. And this happens due to several factors that must have been addressed long before the final draft of the plans were completed.

The common causes of increasing construction costs in a swimming pool project are two; one is change order or variation order and the other one is price escalation. Let’s discuss each topic to have a clear view about these two culprits in jacking your budget that could break your bank if not properly handled.

Change or Variation Order
This cost component is an item of work in the construction project which generally was overlooked during the preparation of the plans by the architect or engineer who drafted the plans for your swimming pool. These are usually items that are within the critical path method and they could not be ignored or deleted from being constructed. A good example is a wall footing that was overlooked on the plans but it has to be incorporated or else your wall has no foundation to stand on. Of course, when the contractor will bill this account, the owner would be surprised knowing that the contract is already the final cost of his project. This type of omission is the result of incomplete plans which were prepared by inexperienced technical people.

This situation could have been remedied at the very start of planning the project by hiring only the qualified and experienced architect or engineer who is well versed in designing and finalizing construction plans for swimming pools. Choose the best planner of swimming pools in your locality and don’t just trust anybody the preparation of your plans together with the technical specifications since these are two important documents that could save your day and budget once you started excavation works to build your swimming pool.

Another big mistake in the preparation of plans is the failure of the architect or engineer to visit the proposed location of the swimming pool project. A great variance of the actual site condition and that of the development plan with its attendant details will surely affect the cost estimates at great variance. And this is the common area of change orders where the contractor will bill the owner with much surprises. This could be avoided by simply visiting the site and verifying the actual elevations of the property to arrive at the correct volume of work and materials for the project.

Contract Price Adjustment/Escalation
This is possible when the price indexes of labor and materials applicable to the swimming pool project have tremendously increased since the start of the project in order to assist the contractor adjust to the implications of the economic activities which is beyond his control. This is different from a very low bid submitted by a contractor which is his sole lookout. If you choose the contractor with a very unrealistic low quotation, watch out that he may attempt to use this price escalation clause if your contract provides one to collect from you. Study carefully the provision of your contract in order to be vigilant when it comes to this kind of claim.

Before sending out your invitation to bid for the construction of your swimming pool, take another look and review your final plans and technical specifications with your contract manager and discuss in depth the possible change orders and price escalation claims that could be charged to you by your contractor.

Author Bio: I write for Pool Prodigy about salt water pool maintenance and how to maintain a pool for dummies.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: pools, landscaping, environment, swimming, swimming pools, pool

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