Caught Drunk Driving? Need a DUI Attorney to Help?

Everybody makes a mistake now and then and not everyone who gets a DUI ticket is a hardened criminal. We know that there are different circumstance and different situations that can lead to being pulled over under the suspicion of DUI. However, we also know that the police are not always right and that breathalyzer tests can be wrong in some cases. If you are in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and have been charged with DUI, you need a DUI attorney who knows the law and who understands your particular case. We are in no way condoning getting in a car when you know that you are over the limit, but we also understand that things are not always as they first appear. We will treat you with respect and listen to you so that we can represent you aggressively. James Arnold is a DUI lawyer with years of experience handling just these types of cases.

Ohio laws are tough on DUI cases and there is not room for mistakes if you are the one who has been charged. The police will aggressively work to build a case against you and you need someone on your side that will aggressively pursue your own interests. You have rights from the moment of your arrest. You have the right to have your attorney present at every questioning session with the police and you have other rights too. When many Ohioans are arrested for DUI, they do not know their rights and they lose them as a consequence. This can have dire consequences on the final outcome of the case. This is why a legal expert who knows the law is so important.

DUI can lead to high-risk insurance rates, fines, responsibility for the property and personal injury of others. It can lead to long-term job consequences and can have an impact on many aspects of your life. Sometimes, these consequences are not justly deserved, but the law is not on your side when it comes to DUI. James Arnold is on your side and will work to protect your rights and minimize the impact of this period in your life so that you can get back on with your life. Regardless of the circumstances, DUI will have a lasting impact on many areas of your life that you did not expect, but it is not the end of the world and there are ways to minimize the impact of this time in your life. The most important thing is the get you back on the road to the straight and narrow as quickly as possible.

James Arnold, Cincinnati DUI lawyer, is knowledgeable and experienced in DUI and many other types of criminal defense cases. When you need a professional on your side, your first call should be a legal representative. Do not make mistakes that will cause you to give up your rights and that could ruin your life down the road. The office of James Arnold is the Cincinnati DUI lawyer that you need when you have been caught “over the limit and under arrest.”

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently worked with a Cincinnati DUI attorney while conducting research for a new article. He searched the term Cincinnati DUI Lawyer to find a law office in his area.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Cincinnati DUI attorney,Cincinnati DUI lawyer

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