Psychological Reasons For Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Erectile dysfunction in young men under 40 years old can be very frustrating. Most of the times the cause of it is psychological, and can be easily solved by regular visits to a physiological therapist; other times the reason is physical and medical treatment is required.

A visit to your doctor will be the easiest way to get a proper diagnosis, but if you are not feeling quite comfortable about talking to another person about your problems, you can try answering the following questions as they will give you general direction about what the cause of your problem may be:

Are you experiencing any major physical problems?
Have you been exposed to stress lately?
Are you 40 years old or even younger?
Are you getting an erection by yourself?

The answers you give to these questions can serve as general information about what direction to take and which specialist to contact and discuss your condition with.

If you have answered “No” to one or more of the questions above, it is a good idea to consult a doctor and ask for medical tests and diagnosis. If you have a medical condition that causes you to experience erectile dysfunction, the doctors will know how to help you overcome this problem, and will explain to you what your options are for treatment and medication.

If you have answered “Yes” to the above questions, the problem you are experiencing is most likely of psychological nature. If you have answered “Yes” to the last question, then you can be 100% certain that the reasons are psychological and they can be neutralized effectively and quickly after you consult a therapist.

Here are some of the most common psychological reasons for erectile dysfunction in young men:

Performance related worries
Having a strong erection when you are with a woman requires a relaxed mind. This is the only way to fully enjoy the moment – no pressure, no worries, no questions such as “Will I do well and impress her?” Sometimes, when a man is with a new partner, such performance related worries can cause a great deal of stress and result in erectile dysfunction. The solution is being in the right frame of mind. Take it easy, relax and do not worry about performance.

Too much exposure to stress
In our day-to-day life we are sometimes too busy at work and exposed to too much stress for various reasons. Working hard to be on time with your project before the deadline; personal issues with your colleagues; an annoying boss nagging you all day long; financial problems; being unemployed and having to provide for your family – all these factors can result in your body being exposed to more stress that it can handle. As a result, it is possible for erectile dysfunction to occur.

The good news is that erectile dysfunction in young men caused by psychological factors is 100% reversible. You will need to learn how to relax your nervous system and how to completely “switch off” all the factors that can cause you stress.

You can decide whether or not you are interested in visiting a specialist and getting some therapy to help you overcome the stress. There are many people who turn to a psychiatrist for help, so you should not worry about what people will think about you visiting a specialist. If you need help – go get it, very simple.

If you choose not to turn to a psychiatrist just yet, try to find a way to relax on your own. Good techniques are focusing on sensations, where you completely relax and listen to music you like, or spending time outside in a park listening to the birds, while feeling the sun warming your skin. Yoga classes can also prove very useful, as, at its core, Yoga teaches relaxation, proper breathing techniques and how to feel at one with nature.

Whichever way you choose to fight your stress and solve your erectile dysfunction problems, we are sure that it will be successful as long as you set your mind to it.

Author Bio: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment is a term used for the medical condition where a man is unable to get an erection. click here for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: erectile dysfunction in young men, ed treatment, ed treatments, erectile dysfunction treatment, nitr

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