Why I Published the Real Teachings of Jesus Explained in Plain English

I published the book \”The Real Teachings of Jesus Explained in Plain English\” because I believe the contents 100%. Part of my belief originates from the scripture in the Christian Bible – John 14:12 – plus persistently wondering why my Catholic \”upbringing\” never truly addressed that passage and similar messages. More importantly, and completely obliterating and making irrelevant the aforementioned, I agree with the contents of this book because of my experience I had shortly after my congestive heart failure in 2003.

I had what people might call a near death experience (NDE). I don\’t feel comfortable calling it that because I don\’t have any verification that my body actually died, even though I had trouble breathing and kept passing out. However, the experience was extremely real to me. It was blissful, exhilarating, amazing, loving, totally loving, timeless, belonging and more. Every synonym and simile from every Earthly language would only scratch the surface of the real description. But I will say that my experience is much like the NDE\’s explained by people I\’ve seen on television or read about in newspapers and magazines. I was completely spiritually re-born.

Furthermore, I felt my inherit talent and incarnate purpose amplify greatly, along with what felt like a massive mental download of spiritual and worldly information. Since that moment, my spiritual knowledge quest changed to a spiritual affirmation quest. I didn\’t quite know what I was seeking at the time. I simply followed my spirit, or intuition or hunches or gut feelings. I now know I was seeking text(s) that resonated with, and articulated, my new found knowledge and absolute beliefs.

I found precisely what I sought in the book by Ernest Holmes – The Science of Mind. I read the whole 669 pages in four days. I couldn\’t put it down. I was finally home, spiritually. And the icing on the cake is I also believe I was shown my incarnate purpose. It is to find the optimum method to identify and release any and all negative mental, emotional and energetic blockages. Then create awareness, open minds, open hearts and teach it to the world through whatever benevolent means are best in our present societal infrastructures. I believe this is my path and currently SonicPoint.com is the vehicle I\’m steering to traverse the path. I\’m finally on my way. I hope you are too.

The Real Teachings Of Jesus Explained In Plain English can help you on your path, even if you don\’t know what that path is. Jesus said, \”… he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do (John 14:12).\”

That clearly states that we can do what Jesus did and more if we believe in his teachings. Jesus was a man that became Christ. Now we just need to do as he did.

Thankfully, one of the great religious philosophers and metaphysicians of the twentieth century, Ernest Holmes, dedicated his life researching and gaining tremendous insight and revelations on the meaning and significance of the work of Jesus and other great spiritual leaders.

In this book, we share Mr. Holmes\’ previously unpublished notes. Some of the ideas may startle you. But they have demonstrated their spectacular value in the lives of people who have used them. And I believe the ideas will bring wonderful experiences to you too.

Author Bio: Dave Czach has been a part-time experiential self-development researcher since 1995. He is the founder of and publisher at SonicPoint.com. Discover \”The True Teachings Of Jesus Explained In Plain English\” plus self-development CD\’s at SonicPoint.com.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: self help, jesus, teachings of jesus, science of mind, religious science, ernest holmes, christ,

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