How Can I Get Taller Through Natural Methods?

How can I get taller?
There are several answers to this question that should be looked at in further detail.

The first thing you should know is that your height is directly affected by the amount of human growth hormone that exists in your body at any given time.

One thing that is vital to increasing your levels of human growth hormone is proper nutrition. It has been credited for increases in height throughout many generations. The nutritional habits of the Dutch are likely the direct cause of their generally tall stature. Furthermore, the Japanese have experienced a significant increase in height since World War II, and this can be directly related to their change in diet. They used to consume a diet that mostly consisted of carbohydrates, such as rice. Now they have switched over to a more Westernized diet, and they have begun to see results in an increase in their height.

Your height depends quite a bit on the food that you consume every day. You should be eating 5-7 small meals a day and these meals need to be low in carbohydrates and high in protein. What this does is help to keep your insulin levels in check. You need to avoid a spike in your insulin levels if you can. It will help if you can consume proper amounts of eggs, meat and yogurt.

How can I get taller while sleeping?
Well, you need to make sure that you are at least getting 8 hours of sleep every night. During sleep your human growth hormones are at their most active state, especially in the first two hours. In order to avoid spikes in your insulin levels, you should avoid consuming any food or soft drinks two hours before you go to bed. You should also make an effort to drink a glass of milk two hours before you go to sleep. You should also sleep on your back with your body spread out in order to free up your spine. You can also elevate your feet with a pillow to pull your spine upward, which will be a good change from the downward pull your spine experiences while you are standing.

You will need to get proper exercise, and you can’t do just any exercise either. You will get much better results if you do high intensity exercises that involve sprinting or jumping. It won’t be as effective if you do the low intensity exercises. You will also need to involve some stretching exercises in order to correct any minor curvature issues that you may have in your spine.

Recently, there have been several eBooks and programs popping up online that have proven to be very helpful in aiding people with increasing their height in a natural way. This is something that needs to be taken seriously, as people are greatly affected by it. It is refreshing to see such effective programs online that help people to find the right answers to the question of, “how can I get taller?’

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to grow taller in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to grow taller, how to get taller, how can i get taller

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