What Couples Can Do to Increase Fertility

The pain caused by infertility can be heart-rending. No one wants to have to visit an infertility clinic, but sometimes this may be a couple’s only option. Because infertility is a somewhat common problem, IVF is something that many could not do without. No one should have to worry about being able to start a family, but sometimes seeing a specialist will help determine the exact nature of the problem. If you have yet to consult a doctor about these issues, there are still things you and your significant other can do to help you get pregnant.

A woman should keep track of her cycle, and during her most fertile period, she should have sex every other day. Although it may seem a simple solution to have sex at a woman’s most fertile time, many couples do not think to keep track of this. There is a window of 24 hours during which a woman’s ovulating egg can become fertile. Most sperm live for 2-3 days, though some can survive for up to five days. Therefore, a woman’s fertile period lasts from five days before ovulation to one day afterward.

Both members of a couple should exercise regularly. At least 20 minutes of exercise, 3-4 times a week, will improve not only a couple’s odds at fertilizing that egg, they will also become pretty fit in the meantime. For those who have never done any physical exercise in the past, the simple act of walking should be enough. Swimming is another great practice, one that provides physical stimulation for just about every muscle group. While men should keep fit, they should not exercise too much during this period, it is important to keep the scrotum cool as often as possible.

Neither member of the couple should consume tobacco, alcohol or any illicit drugs during this time. In fact, these are generally things that should be used in moderation if at all at any time. Have all medications pre-approved by a health care professional so that you know you are not narrowing your chances of getting pregnant by taking them. Obviously, you will want to let your doctor know what you are up to so he or she can give you the best possible advice.

Once you have cut out the toxins from your life, consider the importance of eating healthy. By eating real, natural foods (read: not processed ones), you will greatly improve the working condition of your body. If you embark on such a diet, you will find that you hardly ever stray from the outside aisles at the grocery store instead, you will find yourself in the produce and deli sections much more often. Read labels and avoid any products that include enriched flour, this is highly processed stuff. Instead, opt for whole grain breads and cereals. Antioxidants are an essential part of any diet and can be found in dark-colored fruits such as blueberries, plumbs, cherries, prunes, as well as tea and dark leafy greens like kale or spinach.

Author Bio: Penny Lane has been researching IVF Hamilton Ontario options in order to write an article on the subject for a major news magazine. Her sister searched the term infertility Hamilton Ontario to find a medical facility in her area.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: IVF Hamilton Ontario,infertility Hamilton Ontario

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