Feng Shui Choose Your Home & Property Locations With Care

Real estate experts are fond of saying – in dealing with property three things matter – location, location and location. Still for those who appreciate the powers of Feng Shui much still comes into play when go house hunting. Feng Shui can either work with or against your family and your ultimate luck and good fortune.

There is much to consider when choosing and evaluating a house or even vacation properties. True using learned principles of the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui you can create heaven on Earth just by identifying and placing yourself in areas that are wise as opposed to being poor choices overall. Feng Shui and in its precepts are not be ignored nor sneezed at. Even if live in a Canadian prairie region such as Manitoba and not in a mountainous or hilly region or area you can still find protection and security among neighboring structures that will no doubt still prevail in the landscapes. Lastly do not forget the fourth component – river and /or roadway layouts and patterns. Do the river and creek courses surrounding your home and properties bring the best of luck and good fortune which will overall promote your good health wealth and happiness or just the opposite? It’s your choice and decisions. Or can you count on the greatest of negative energies – that is the villain of sha qi with all it owners and demons – prevailing with financial hardships, illnesses and toiled relationships in life.

Yet next in line it may be a case of choosing geographical way stations and layouts improperly and without care or attention to detail. It may be instinctive or it may just be inadvertent. Many people are affected subconsciously through family of original – whether in a sense of recreating dysfunction or perhaps wishing for what their family never had and wanted for. Yet it may well been of their good fortune to have so been “deprived”. Different people and authorities may well advise of where is the best place to live. The place to put yourself may well be that where you are happiest and no tsunami appears over the horizon. Consider such placement your good fortune in life. Yet others will state in terms of good luck forwarded by Feng Shui that it may well be – the top of a hill or a steep incline The answer all depends to a great degree of which you ask, their perspective and life experiences. Life is the best teacher.

It might be said that while hilltops offer spectacular views they are basically not wise chosen nor auspicious sites. Left unprotected you are not only subject to the great and powerful forces of nature but are also essentially as vulnerable as a bug on a stump waiting for the a hurricane to Wisk it away . It that simple an analogy to understand as 1, 2 3.

What of steep inclines? A mountain view in back and a panoramic view in front. To many this would be heaven or nirvana. Yet its one big drop off in front. A sinkhole in the making in Feng Shui where fortunes and wealth just slip away with the current holder and owner unable to keep possession in their pocketbook or bank account as apparent family fortunes just seem to “slip away” and erode. Bad idea overall.

Yet sloping hills may well seem gentler. It is a truism that in classical Feng Shui that life on a gently sloping hill is ideal. Why is this so? The explanation held by the masters is that you can count that the soil and soils on sloping hills are almost in all cases highly rich and predictably fertile. You can count on it. On top of that your home and property are inherently hardly likely to flood and be the victims of flooding. Depending on the grade of the slop, the upward incline can represent the darker tortoise protecting and supporting your back facing areas.

Everyone has their preferences and even fantasies when it comes to property and property choices. True with some knowledge of Feng Shui your end result may be molded into the fourth dimension by careful choice as opposed to disaster and hardship and poor luck for your family and fortune. Feng Shui!

Author Bio: Maggie Z. Mathews Quality Inn Winnipeg – Downtown Winnipeg Mainstay Long Stay Extended Suites Hotels Near Victoria General Hospital Sell Manitoba Cottage

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