Tips On How You Can Quit Smoking In Two Months

The war against smoking is being waged everyday in households all over the world. Smoking is a nasty habit that is hard to break. The fact is that some people simply cannot break the habit, even after they have been warned by their doctors that not doing so can kill them. In America alone, 400,000 people needlessly die each year from smoking. If so many people are dying, why is it so hard to quit? Cigarettes are filled with chemicals, which form an addictive bond with the human anatomy. There are people in this world who have quit drugs and alcohol that cannot shake the cigarette habit.

Love Lies Breathing

If the threat of dying were not enough, we are also killing the people that we love. In the U.S. last year, fifty thousand non-smokers died from inhaling second hand smoke. These are people who have either never smoked or have quit for their health but contracted a tobacco related illness from the smoke of people who do smoke. Often, this second hand smoke comes from the people whom they love. If you smoke, or know someone who does, consider these tips the next time you try to quit:

– Use your clock or wristwatch to limit your smoking.
– Imagine someone you love, dying.
– Visit a hospital and spend time with someone who is dying from smoking.
– Make yourself accountable.
– Find your willpower.

It Is Time

If you smoke more than a pack a day and sleep 5 hours or more a night, you are smoking more than one cigarette every waking hour. A clock or any timepiece can be a smoking deterrent if used correctly. To start with, make a deal with yourself that you will only smoke one cigarette per hour and never smoke after you have retired for the night. Doing this one simple thing will cut your smoking by one third. Next, make it an hour and a half, and then every two hours. If you cut the number of cigarettes that you smoke by half hour increments every week, you can effectively quit in a matter of months.

From Boob Tube To Groove Tube

Your television set can also help you to kick the habit. If you watch a lot of TV, use the television programs that you watch as a timepiece. When you watch a movie, determine not to smoke until the movie is over. This means you will have gone without a cigarette for two to three hours. If you do this coupled with the clock technique, you will be aiding that device and smoking even less.

Wake Up And Breathe

For most smokers, the first thing that they want to do when they wake up is smoke that first cigarette of the day. Determine to wait for one half hour every day before you light up that first cigarette. This delays that cigarette you would start with using the clock device. Again, you will be smoking much less. After one week, make it an hour after waking. On the third week, make it an hour and a half.


Make yourself accountable. If you have a non-smoker in the house with you, give them your cigarettes and have them help you by doling out each cigarette at the allotted time. Doing this makes you accountable to someone for your actions. You can make this easier by remembering the person who is helping you is probably the person you are killing with second hand smoke.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our CPR & First Aid Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Quit Smoking ,willpower,Breathing,Cigarettes,Smoking,CPR & First Aid Training

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