After Forty Many People Seek Lower Back Pain Relief

The increase in remedies for lower back pain relief is an indication that this is something that more and more people are experiencing. Most sufferers first feel the problem beginning to develop when they reach the age of forty, but there are younger people with this complaint as well. The back is a vulnerable area in the body because it serves as a fulcrum between the upper and lower body. Lifestyle can be described as one of the main causes. Too many hours sitting in the same position at the computer is a common cause. The muscles do not get sufficient exercise and resultant lack of strength causes strain and injury to the vertebrae.

Over the counter remedies can often ease the discomfort. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are the most effective. Relief can also come from chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy and exercise, massage and acupuncture.

As soon as you start to feel lower back discomfort, the best action to take it to change what you are doing. Walk around take a warm shower. The warm shower will ease the muscular tension and pain and you will feel much better.

Application of an ice pack to the affected area is also very good. This should be done a few times each day. It will relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation in the area.

Another good remedy is a thorough massage with herbal oils. It brings about an increase in circulation. This will help to loosen the muscles and ease the pain.

If you suffer from this problem, it is a good idea to examine the quality of the mattress you sleep on. A sagging mattress will definitely add to your problems. Do yourself a favor and invest in a good quality, firm mattress to enjoy a better night\’s sleep. The pain should ease over time as well. Mental and physical stress can also intensify the problem. Meditation and yoga can help to relieve mental stress. Avoid physically stressing your body by not lifting and carrying heavy objects. Avoid carrying heavy items up staircases as well. If your job demands that you stay in your seat, make sure you get up and walk around at regular intervals.

Poor posture can also cause your discomfort. Concentrate on how you stand, walk and sit. It is important to stand, walk and sit upright at all times. When you sit, keep the back straight and the knees slightly bent. Try to make yourself aware of your body posture often and correct it when needed. Use strategically placed cushions to help you maintain the correct sitting position. The way you sleep is also crucial. The good mattress is essential for a healthy back.

Relief is possible if you follow all or most of the above suggestions. You know which ones are applicable. Don\’t forget that body weight also affects your posture and resultant problems. If you need to address a weight loss issue, do it. If you find that lower back pain relief is not forthcoming, you should make an appointment with a reputable orthopedic specialist.

Author Bio: You can search online for information of chiropractic Toronto. An experienced local Toronto chiropractor can help you restore your health and alleviate your lower back pain for good.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: massage, health, stress, fitness, business, society, family, wellness, physical therapy, chiropract

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