Reusable Bags Are the Coming Trend

With the need to go green, many people these days are refusing plastic wrapping of any kind. This material uses up inordinate amounts of petroleum products to produce plastic so people are now going for reusable bags to carry their bought items in. In fact, shops have started to reward shoppers if they bring back old store bags to use all over again and this seems to be taking off.

Anything that is used to carry stuff in must be made of material that will break down easily when it goes to the landfill areas. Indeed, materials like polystyrene, or the containers that use ink in printers, will take literally centuries to dissipate. This is causing unknown damage to the earth and the water table below it. Toxic chemicals are obviously not good for the atmosphere so this is why there is such a backlash now towards things that are environmentally friendly. Indeed, this is also a good advertising ploy too since shoppers will go there to shop if they can see adverts like this.

There are many suppliers of products like this on the market and these manufacturers will be able to produce all kinds of different shape and sizes for the market. Some outlets will need paper sacks or small disposable boxes, for hamburgers and such, while others will need full size carriers. These are used in fashion stores or supermarkets etc. These large orders also call for some advertising blurbs on the side of the containers too and, if the company is well known, it is sometimes only necessary to put the logo on by itself. Those lesser known shops may want to put on website details, phone numbers or special offers or sale dates if these are appropriate.

If the shop or outlet is a multi-national chain, the suppliers will often make up mega orders of carriers or sacks so that they can be kept in storage until they are needed. They offer this facility so that the buyer can benefit from a lower unit price. Some of these items may also have to be kept in temperature controlled surrounding which the buyer may not have available. This then is another reason to look for good suppliers which can offer this extra service. There is also a service that provides small containers, printed to order, for parties like baby showers or birthday parties. Even wedding guests get a gift these days so these containers can have all kinds of details printed on the side.

For the kids, putting on stick drawings that the kids have to paint or fill with color also gives them a game to play once all the goodies are gone and this is also a design that can be made up very easily by designers at the manufacturers. Do not forget though that every color that is used in the design will need a different print run, so the more colors being used, the greater the price of each unit. Try to incorporate the background color to get around this.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently purchased several cases of custom reusable bags for a fundraiser at her restaurant. Her husband ordered several cases of custom store bags with the restaurant’s logo printed on it.

Category: Business
Keywords: reusable bags,store bags

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