Sports Lists Are Hitting the Net

These days it is quite common for people to make up a roster of things that they want to do before they pass on. This could be something awe inspiring like climbing Mount Everest, or it could be something as mundane as losing a few pounds before a certain date. However, what is becoming increasingly popular is the sports list that people are making up which sees them attending matches all over the place whenever they can make the time. This sports bucket list (SPL), as it is commonly called, is normally posted online so that it can be compared to others who have the same kind of goals as them.

Some of these sites have developed the idea a little further with members making up a ‘passport’ of matches they want to attend. Each match visited personally will get points added to the passport and the idea is to pass certain levels to get a badge on the sites. Of course, if someone is lucky enough to get to foreign matches and things like this, they get the best accolade and the marks are there for the rest of the members to admire.

These social sites go a lot further than just this sort of activity though. Many people strike up friendships online and it is a possibility that they will eventually meet up at the different venues.

On these sites too, travel companies advertise reduced fares for those who are traveling since it is obvious that the company will get a lot of fans going to the same places. This symbiotic relationship then benefits all parties concerned so it is well worth enquiring about special fares and offers etc.

Of course, everyone must have heard about ‘blogs’ these days and these sites have pages for them also. This not only allows people to let off steam about some game or another, it also adds to the whole experience and this is really how people get to know about each other. However, people can talk about other things too so this is a great way to let off steam anonymously. The internet is very much a social tool these days and a lot of people want to get away from sites which offer all kinds of services. Finding Mr. or Miss Right adverts really get on people nerves after a while, and those sites which try to tell people that they do not fit the ‘norm’ also, so finding a place where one can immerse themselves in everything football, or whatever game they like, must be a welcome relief to many.

However, a word of caution here since not everyone using sites on the internet is a good person. Do not give out personal details of addresses and phone numbers, or arrange to meet people alone, until both parties are sure of whom the other person is. It is a sad fact, but we have to take normal precautions these days whenever we are planning on meeting up with someone who we have not met before.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently searched the term sports bucket list to come up with a spectacular vacation for him and his wife to take. He and his wife made up a sports list and posted it online.

Category: Travel
Keywords: sports bucket list,sports list

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