Make Your Husband Want to Marry You Again!

If you want to become that \”irresistible woman\” the one men adore, the first among the other secrets you will discover is that having a perfect body and being attractive is not nearly as important as you have been led to believe.

Since the beginning of time, men have always felt responsible for the happiness of their wives. Even though he might not tell you so, the thought of you being unhappy is painful to your husband. If he feels he cannot please you, that is the point where he begins to act as if he no longer cares.

What you have to learn is that men tend to bottle up their emotions and keep their feelings inside. Much of their communication comes with being sexually physical with their mates. If women were able to know what goes on inside their husbands\’ heads; they would know that, although sex is very important to men physically, it is their main and perhaps the only serious way of bonding with the person they love, both physically and emotionally. Men will tell you that sex is important to them for the same reasons that it is important to a woman. It creates a bond, both emotionally and physically, between two people who care about each other and this bond means more to your man than you know.

Women who develop this bond with their husbands will find they have happier, more fulfilling marriages than they could have ever dreamed possible. Your husband is less likely to \”look away from you\” and he will become so emotionally connected to you that he will do everything and anything in his power to keep you happy.

Many married women believe their husbands should know they are happy, even if outwardly they don\’t show it. This is not the case. Men cannot read their minds. They need constant reassurance. Women need to show them, to let them know, in no uncertain terms, specifically when they are happy with them. When a husband, does something that produces immediate response, is how he knows to repeat that behavior. If you like what he did, and he does not see a reaction from you, he will most likely assume his efforts were wasted.

Another thing that may surprise you is that men hate being ignored. They can\’t stand it. Every time a woman becomes distant when a man becomes competitive in an argument; she is slowly training him that using his power with her will cause him to be ignored, until he humbles himself.

So, the next time the two of you have an issue to discuss, approach him with this in mind. The conversation can continue unless you feel uncomfortable. Even though men like time on their own, there is a limit to how much time alone a man is comfortable with. Men enjoy distance when they can control the amount of time apart, but when a woman is unavailable to her husband when he desires her company, it is only then will be begin to realize that he has hurt her.

When a woman argues needlessly with a man, it simply makes him stand his ground. After all, men are are born to compete. That\’s why, in any argument, he feels he must be the victor. So, even if you have a valid point; arguing with your man may be futile. It will only serve as a wedge that may eventually tear your relationship apart.

If a conflict becomes unavoidable what a woman must remember is to always be respectful to the man. Be careful of emotionally intense words or tones, as this often causes a man to escalate the conflict. While, ideally, a woman should speak to him calmly and directly in a soft tone during a conflict, the reality is that during such times it can be almost impossible to remain calm so a better rule would be to to leave the conversation, room or even the home for a while.

When your verbal and non-verbal signals tell your husband how happy you are, he will take it personally and it will empower him. He has accomplished what he was put on this planet to do, which is to make you happy. It gives him a feeling of contentment and does much for his self-worth. And you will become that adorable woman—men love and cherish forever!

Author Bio: R.P.Bhalla writes extensively on Health and Relationship issues.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: women men adore, relationships, the ideal wife, happy marriages

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