6 Important Tips to Becoming a Personal Trainer

A health craze has been sweeping the nation lately, and if you are hoping to take advantage of this wonderful trend, then you are a very wise individual, indeed. Becoming a personal trainer is a smart career path as it doesn’t require a lot of superfluous education (when will we ever use all that trigonometry crap?), and it allows you to not only make money, but stay healthy. If you are hoping to become a personal trainer, then here are some good tips for you to follow.

– Utilize the Power of the Web: Search engines, websites, online tutorials, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, and so so soooooo much more! These online tools can really help you to get your name out and build your clientele.

– Get Certified in Many Areas: Think about this one. If you are looking for a doctor to help with a stomach problem, you are probably not going to head to a neurologist. He might know what to say to help you, but your main trust will be in someone who specializes in stomach problems. The same is true for personal trainers. Just because you know Pilates does not mean people will want to hire you to train them in it. Get certified in any area you wish to train in. This will make it easier to build your clientele.

– Stay Healthy: This might be a no-brainer, but it is true. Nobody wants a flabby personal trainer. Work your own body in the spare time you have between working others.

– Find Your Own Style: Think about all the famous trainers out there right now. What do they all have in common? Their own style! Nobody motivates like Gillian and that is what sets her apart. Find your own personal style of exercise and motivation.

– Help Other Set and Reach Goals: It is one thing to have people show up in their allotted time and work them out with the same routine and send them on their way, and it is another to help a client reach their personal goals. For each client, take some time to have them write down their fitness goals. Take these and work their routines around those goals. Your clients will love you for this as it will get them physical success faster. It will also give you a bond to share dreams and achievement options.

– Provide Variety: Many people stop working out not because it is hard or their time is short, but because they don’t want to spend time and money doing something that bores them. Your client retention will sky rocket if you are able to switch things up on them and give them some variety.

Becoming a personal trainer in this time of history is really one way for you to help others and make a true difference in the world. If you are serious about becoming a personal trainer, then kudos to you! Take these tips into consideration, and good luck!

Author Bio: Stephanie GAETTI is an experienced personal trainer and runs a very successful and popular blog on Online Personal Training.
She has helped thousands of people on become a certified personal trainer.

Category: Sports
Keywords: becoming certified personal trainer,how to be certified as a personal trainer

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