Weird Pet Supplies You Did Not Know About

You probably already realize that there are some people that are just crazy about their pets. However, did you know that they are crazy enough to spend billions of dollars every year on them? It is true. Whether you are just looking for multi-colored aquarium gravel for your fish tank or you want dog pajamas, there is someone, somewhere who is buying it. It seems like just about anything you can buy for a person, you can also now buy for a pet. Here are some of the newer items on the market that you may not yet be aware of.

DNA Kits

On one hand, it is kind of cute to have a “mutt” where you do not actually know what kind of breed it is. On the other hand, are you not just a little bit curious? There are actually now kits available from your local pet supply store that can help you make that determination. These kits are also available through online stores.

All you have to do is swab the inside of their mouth or collect some of their drool and send it into the lab. In no time at all you will have your results. Then you will finally be able to answer the question when someone asks you what kind of dog you have.

Automatic Ball Tosser

This is a great toy if you have a dog that needs to have exercise every day. Of course, before it can work, you have to train the dog to fetch and bring the ball back to you. Then you have to train the dog to bring the ball back and put it in the bucket.

Once the dog is trained, all you have to do is get the settings right. Most of these types of toys let you adjust it so the ball only shoots a short distance or you can also shoot the ball out lot farther distance. The machine throws out the ball; the dog chases it, brings it back, puts it in the bucket, and shoots it out again. All this happens while you are sitting in your lawn chair.

DVDs For Pets

Some people get concerned that their pets are bored when they are alone in the house all day long. There are actually DVD’s made to entertain your pets while you are gone. Of course, before you use these, you will want to test it out while you are home. You need to make sure that your animals do not get too excited due to the animals that appear on screen.

Electric Toothbrush

There are clearly two separate schools of thought about brushing your dog’s teeth. Some people laugh at the thought and the others think it is an important part of grooming. It helps keep their breath stay fresh for a longer time and it is actually really unhealthy if you do not brush their teeth once in a while.

However, this toothbrush takes it one step farther. Of course, the big thing you need to know before you go get one of these is that there is definitely a learning curve for the animal!

Author Bio: Penny Lane recently purchased specialty aquarium gravel online for their large salt water tank. She ordered dog pajamas online for their dogs.

Category: Pets
Keywords: aquarium gravel,dog pajamas

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