Settling Your Taxes: Responsible Taxpayer’s Guide

IRS problems are getting quite common these days. Does this mean that people are getting irresponsible when it comes to paying their Taxes? If they are avoiding the task of filing for their taxes, what could be the reason behind it? What happens when someone misses a tax payment? Should s/he represent him/herself during an IRS tax audit?

If you\’re currently having trouble with filing your Taxes, or if you’re already facing an audit from the IRS because of missed payments, you\’re not the only one. Hundreds of Americans face tax problems every year because they receive income from more than one source (most hold two jobs or more) and the filing of these personal taxes can get pretty complicated.

Others may even combine the income they get from their own businesses with the ones they earn as an employee. This makes filing Taxes even more complicated because personal taxes are very different from business taxes. Surely, when things are this messy, it\’s time to hire a tax lawyer.

How a tax lawyer can make sense of your Taxes

Tax lawyers are legal counselors and tax accountants in one. When you hire them, they can simplify taxation laws and compute your tax dues for you at the same time. It doesn\’t matter if you\’re employed in two or three jobs, or if you\’re a part time employee and a business owner as well. Competent tax lawyers can figure out a way to sort out your tax obligations and clear out the cobwebs that are forming in your head when you think about Taxes.

Sounds easy, right? That\’s because things do get easier when you get the help of a legal counselor who knows the tricks and turns of taxation. Some people just hesitate to hire a lawyer because they don\’t think they can afford the funds. If you\’re on a tight budget, you can also go to the IRS directly and ask for help with your taxes. There are tax lawyers employed in the IRS who would be more than willing to help you make sense of your tax obligations. As long as you have nothing to hide, this is always a viable option.

Hiring a lawyer when you\’re in trouble with the IRS

Of course, some people wait until they\’re already being hounded by the IRS for tax evasion. If you\’ve survived doing your taxes on your own in the past, be warned that representing yourself during an audit is a very bad idea. Things can get really emotional, and the last thing you want is to be emotional during a tax settlement. The ruling can go against you and you might just end up paying up to 100% of the taxes you\’ve failed to pay in the past. That\’s always painful news for someone who\’s worked hard to earn the money he has today.

A competent tax lawyer who specializes in the particular tax problem you\’ve found yourself in will always be a great middleman between you and the IRS. Instead of exposing yourself in court, your lawyer can negotiate a more reasonable penalty once you\’re proven less guilty than the IRS initially thought. If your lawyer is able to prove that you didn\’t mean to avoid paying your taxes just to gain more profit, and that the delay was triggered by reasonable causes, you might even be let off the hook.

Most tax payers under audit, though, end up just paying for lower penalties. Aside from being the level-headed counselor in the settlement, your lawyer can also protect your privacy. This is a right that\’s often overlooked in tax settlements.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is SEO consultant specializing in Attorney Marketing. Visit the sites to learn more about Dallas IRS Lawyer and Tax Lawyer .

Category: Legal
Keywords: Law, legal, IRS, Tax, Business, Lawyers, Attorneys, DFW

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