Symptoms Of West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus (WNV) is a virus that causes an infection in the brain causing it to get inflamed hence resulting to a serious medical condition called West Nile encephalitis.

West Nile virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of a Culex tarsalis mosquito. The possibility of the spreading of the disease differs yearly and it also depends on the temperature, precipitation and the population of the mosquitoes. Often the spreading of West Nile virus occurs during late June up to early September.

Mosquitoes acquire the virus from feeding on birds that are already infected with WNV. The birds with the WNV may or may not get sick. These birds serve as carriers of the virus which is important to its life and transmission cycle. From the many species of birds the dust-colored house sparrow may be the main reservoir of the WNV because it can carry the virus for five days or more enough to infect mosquitoes that feed on them. The WNV is transmitted to other animals and humans when the infected mosquito bites and sucks blood and during the process, the virus is injected to the victim.

When a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, it usually takes five to fifteen days before the symptoms would appear. However, most people who got infected with WNV don’t show any symptoms of the disease and they don’t even fall ill.

The effect of the infection ranges from mild to severe. For mild infection cases, the infected patient often experience body aches, headaches, fatigue, fever, swollen lymph nodes and rashes. Severe cases of infection can often lead to life threatening illness or may cause long-term or perhaps lifetime disability. Severe infection of the WNV can lead to encephalitis or meningitis. Patients suffering from severe infection of the virus show symptoms like very high fever, sleepiness, occasional convulsions, stiff necks, tremors and paralysis. Severe infection of WNV may have long term effects on the patient like confusion, depression, irritability and memory loss.

There’s no available vaccine or any treatment for WNV. Mild cases of infection are more often treated without medical care. However, people exhibiting symptoms of severe infection must be rushed to the hospital immediately so that proper diagnosis and treatment will be administered.

Anybody can get infected by the West Nile virus. People living in areas where the outbreak of the infection occurs are at high risk of getting infected. The outbreak of the disease usually happens during mosquito season. This means that the infection may spread during late summer up to early fall (in temperate areas). However, in areas with milder climate, infections can happen all year round.

Severe cases of WNV infection can affect all age groups. Yet, older people and those with chronic health problems and weak immune systems are often the ones who develop severe infection.

In order to protect yourself from the WNV, lessen the time you spend outdoors between dusk and dawn. Wearing light colored, loose fitting clothes with long sleeves and pants will also help protect you from mosquito bites. Also, see to it that the screens of your windows and doors are free from holes and fit tightly. Moreover, make it a habit to use and apply mosquito repellent.

Author Bio: Syd Z. Nohcud
Morgellons Research
Foundation Com

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: West Nile virus,West Nile Virus Symptoms,Herpes Virus,West Nile Virus,MoquitoesBug Repellent Virus

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