Horizon Milk

Horizon milk is just one of the options you have if you want to include organic milk in your diet. There are many people that are looking for healthier options for what they eat, and more are turning to more natural products that do not include many of the things we are now considering bad for us. These things include different hormones that the animals might receive as well as different things that might have been used to treat the food that they eat.

One thing about Horizon milk is that they allow their herds to graze, and none of the grain they might get has been treated with any pesticides. You will also find that there has been no use of BGH in their cows. Now, animals do get sick for one reason or another. Because of that, some of their cows might receive antibiotics, but they are cut from the herd and milking until they are done with the treatment and no traces are left in their systems. This ensures that you are getting a high quality product, but also that their herds stay healthy as well.

You can also choose which type of milk you want to get. They do pasteurized milk as well as non-pasteurized. You can also get low fat milk. With some of the pasteurized milk they also fortify it with the Vitamin D and such. This allows our bodies to process and use the calcium we need effectively. Because of that the milk is still up to the standards we normally hold it to, and in some ways healthier than some of the other alternatives. With no bovine growth hormone being used we do not have to worry about the IGF (insulin growth factor) in our own bodies being triggered into producing too much. It is also lower in saturated fat than some of the other types currently available. You can even get one percent fat with Horizon milk. Because it is organic, these contain even less saturated fats then some of the non-organic brands of milk as well. This is usually a great advantage to those who have conditions like high cholesterol and are looking for milk that they can have.

Horizon milk holds their products to a high standard and does everything in their power to keep it. They allow their herd ample time to graze (which is the cow’s natural food source and usually leads to better milk because that is what their bodies are designed to eat). They keep track of which cows might be sick and treat them without allowing it to effect their products as well. Horizon milk is just one of the options currently available when considering this as an addition to your diet. There are other companies that produce organic milk as well. All of them adhere to special diets and rules when dealing with how they raise their animals and how the products are made and treated. This allows some piece of mind when thinking about what is not in the glass you are drinking from or serving to your children.

Author Bio: Horizon milk is just one option for adding this into your diet. For more information click here.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: horizon milk, organic milk

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