3 Common Health Ailments In Men

On the average, men tend to be negligent about their health issues. They are not always ready to seek medical attention easily. Moreover, the higher death rates and average death age of men reveal that they die earlier as compared to women. Thus, in order to live a long life devoid of as less illness and health problems as possible, it’s important that men recognize any trouble some symptoms and take necessary action seeking treatment as early as possible.

Heart Disease

For men, getting heart attacks is a common health issue. The leading causes of heart attacks are found to be due to heredity and unhealthy habits. Family traits (genetics) associated with heart attacks are conducive to the disease, but so are bad habits such as smoking, excessive alcoholism and consuming food containing high cholesterol. Also “all work and no play” can lead to a heart attack. Plus an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and obesity are among the biggest risks to heart disease, as well.

Cancer – Lung and Prostrate

Lung cancer is another common health condition that men face. Somewhat akin to breast cancer in women, lung cancer is considered as a form of cancer among men to which they are the most vulnerable. Lung cancer is deadliest because it has claimed more lives than all the other cancers combined. Tobacco smoking, both direct and passive, is the leading cause of lung cancer, but with the onset of the industrial cities, smoke and particulate matters in the air are also responsible for causing lung cancer.

Prostrate cancer is also a common condition among men. Symptoms of prostrate cancer can be detected earlier with through Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, though the specific forms of this kind of cancer remains unknown to this day. PSA is a type of protein that is produced in increased quantities in the blood when you start developing symptoms of prostate cancer symptoms. A higher amount of PSA in blood can be the cause for prostate gland cancer.

Type II Diabetes

This is the worst form of diabetes in terms of the effect and widespread influence it has. In the USA, many men are diagnosed early with Type II Diabetes, but do not react intelligently to it. Stated simply, it is a type of diabetes where the pancreas stops secreting insulin, leading to the glucose absorbed from food going to the blood instead of reaching the cells.

There is no proven ways to prevent Type II diabetes except for consuming a healthy balanced diet that is low on sugar content and also regular exercise is a must. Chances of you getting affected by diabetes will depend largely on heredity and your family history of the disease. If there’s been a record of diabetes, especially type II, in your genes, it is better to be careful from an early age. Another way to check your diabetes would be to monitor blood sugar levels regularly, adjusting your diet according to it and going for regular checkups.

So, these are some of the common ailments that men face today. Therefore, as soon as you detect even the slightest of symptoms, you should not neglect them. Consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our CPR & First Aid Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Cancer,heart attacks ,Heart Disease,health issues,Health Ailments

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